The New Candidates

Well, I’m down as long as it’s someone electorally strong and has some semblance of respect for a rule of law. Manchin, for example, would be right out. Corrupt as a three dollar bill…

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Yeah but they are going to move right and more corporate. That is the problem.

and the thing is before all this nonsense, no one was paying attention. people would have siucked it up and voted for Biden. The fact that they started pushing the dominoes now means people are invested. They have raised hopes which will 100% be dashed when they announce some sleazebag corporate hack. That is going to be worse than people voting like zombies. Similar to what happened in 2016.

You might be extremely right, but let’s wait to see what happens (end of the week would be my guess…) Smarter minds in the Dem Party do NOT want to see a rinse+repeat of 2016…

No Open Convention??

Hell no to WI GovEvers. He is old and meek. He was the worst option of a great pool of options but the teachers union shoved him down our throats. ugh

I am hoping for Sen Mark Kelly. He has a special resume and set of circumstances that makes him more special as a running mate plus he already has a good relationship with Harris.

I do not need a vp to be from my state to vote for this ticket.

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Nice one! I like that

out of those 4, I also think Mark kelly is the least bad option. However, I find it interesting that he had his wife endorse Kamala. Last I checked he hadn’t. I am not sure if that has changed. Maybe he is waiting to see if she implodes so he can make the best play? Which could include him being at the top of the ticket or VP to the new canddiate?

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Obama made it very clear - leaders will develop a process by which a leader will appear BEFORE the convention so we can all pretend to be a united front AT the convention. Thats how I translated his verbose vivification.

Which leads me to think it wont be Kamala. They will allow her to knck herself out, have another person picked in the backrooms and just nominate that person unchallenged at the convention.

If not, then Cenk riled up the whole audience on the promise of open convention to help the establishment oust Bidena nd anoint Kamala. Not saying he did it intentionally, just saying that’s what the end result would be.

Hey Anthony , hanging in there. Struggling , but keeping positive. What do you. think of Harris/Whitmer ticket ? hope you are well

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Guy, hang it up already. <opinion>The delegates rushed ahead with a bad decision on appraising her electoral strength.</opinion> Let’s wait now for the Buyer’s Remorse come October.

Question: How many elections are we going to sit through before you whippersnappers get it? IT’S NOT THE POPULAR VOTE IN THIS COUNTRY.

Answer: ONE; with a two-house Repub majority, we will be lock and load for a dictatorship. Yeah, yeah: in 2028, they’ll have something they’ll CALL an election. Go to the 7-11 and do a scratch-off ballot made by Trump Voting Machines. He dies? We get King Barron…

Tell that to Obama not me, I know. Which is why I have been droning about it for weeks now.

Remmeber though, Obama has not endorsed her. And Chaos is modus operandi for him. Back in the day when we wanted something from a country - oil, waterway access, minerals etc, we would do coups, prop up countries against them or do direct wars to take that. But over time countries became wiser and people and govt would vehemently reject American stores. So Obama decided to rule by chaos. He would fund and fuel both sides of a war (like he armed saudis and also armed Iran via Ukraine in the Yemen war, armed multiple sides in the Syrian and Libyan war, etc) and create total chaos and anarchy in a never ending war. Libya still hasn’t had elections to this day. No one is in charge. But that allows corporations to do exactly what they want. Seems like the same tactics are at play in the party now. There is a Libya happening in the democratic party. Whch is why I am with Nina Turner - it is an establishment fight. They have never cared about us and wont listen to us. Let them fight it out. They lie when they say they are scared of Trump. They don’t care. They only care about saving their own seats in house and senate and saving corporate interests. They don’t give a shit about what happens to the people

Wow cannot believe how harsh Cenk just was on Mark Kelly!!! He is not a vanilla Tim Kaine.

Sen Kelly a combat Navy Pilot, ASTRONAUT, from a border state, and gun owner who advocates for sensible gun regulation after his wife, a former Congresswoman, Gabby Giffords was shot at a political meet-and-greet who suffered brain damage. Kelly retired from NASA to care for Gabby. He can talk with credibility on guns, gun violence, immigration and is strong pro choice. Who doesn’t admire an astronaut?!?!

no other realistic VP pick has this resume and story.


Not as down on Kelly as Cenk. He has a good personality. Exudes leadership and his background is compelling. Zero baggage and I think he brings, some States into play you wouldn’t expect. From the Midwest to NC and Georgia and maybe gives them the shivers in Ohio. Come at me but he’s a decent option from a campaign standpoint.


I think his persona crosses demographic lines. He may not bring in more young voters but he won’t turn them off either. He has that great combination of competence, strength and empathy most people dream about.


I think the pressure campaign should be to replace Chuck Shumer with Bernie as the next Sen maj or min leader. There is a lot of power and influence there.

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I think Kamala herself might be quite polarising in a lot of ways. She would need someone like Obama needed Biden. I think Kelly is perfect for that.

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There is a case for Kelly (60yrs old).

  1. His Navy/astronaut background exudes testosterone that may marginally connect with white males over 50 in WI/MI/PA (and elsewhere). Jen O’Malley Dillon would make him wear that jacket from sunrise to sunset for 104 consecutive days.
  2. He should be able to deliver AZ.
  3. He and Gabby remind suburban indys in all states of the Dem’s stance on gun safety legislation (compared to Trump’s stance).
  4. The ticket gets a bonus female campaigner in Gabby Giffords (nationally-known, serious, and sympathetic).
  5. Not verified, but I believe Katie Hobbs gets to select his replacement for the senate seat.



The key question for those who support Kelly is: can he help the ticket win PA?

At the end of the day, if Repubs win PA, NC, and GA then this election is over.

reporting is that if Sen Kelly gets VP, Gov Hobbs appoints someone to replace him until a special election in 2026, Then another election in 2028 for the full 6 year term.

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Update of a live interview with the reporter from the article cited in that post.

Sounds like she will be a lousy President; but hey, I’ll take her anyday over a dictator! But can she pull off the Electoral win?? (y’ll know my opinion already…)

As a concerned European, my how-it-usually-goes conventional pick would be Josh Shapiro, but my predicted choice is different and depends entirely upon how Kamala approaches the issue.

I see things a little bit differently and in my key-matrix-of-naive-indicators the only key is simplicity. So: is she a prosecutor or a defender? A defender would pick a white male to reassure certain demographics and maybe chip into Republican support. A prosecutor would pick the best VP to make her case with against the team in the dock. Ladies and gentlemen, I call… Gretchen Whitmer.

We’re talking double the kryptonite. The Right will have nowhere to run and nowhere to hide. Together they’ll be Too Strong. I think it would be the most incredible ticket.

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