The New Candidates

California Tax Rates & Rankings | Tax Foundation.

ranked 48th on tax systems. this is why businesses and individuals are moving, newsome and pritzker both deny the census info and reality. i’m sorry but don’t tell me it’s raining while the tax man pisses on my leg.

But one can still dream … of the pestering MAGA part.

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Sharron’s take is partly right but partly wrong. It will depend on how the democrats move forward. If they anoint the replacement and it’s not Harris then yes that will both discourage both African American voters but also voters wanting an open process. If however it is an open process that includes several minority candidates then surely it will result in a ticket that will keep voters from staying home. She still has the opportunity to win that and will have the support of many delegates in that process. It all comes down to if this is open and respectful of all the groups putting together a winning coalition. The problem is that isn’t how the Democratic establishment likes to operate and there is the concern that fuels those frustrations. If they got caught trying and caring about voters then we are a forgiving lot. Can they do that is a different question.


Once again Illinois is stuck with that for now. I fully wish he would address property taxes, but he tried to kill the flat tax for progressive taxes. It’s an amendment and the voters have to overturn that. I’m not saying he should be the candidate at all, but simply that Illinois’s problems all predate Pritzger and are massive thanks to 4 bad governors (2 literally jailed). He is turning things around but it’s going to take awhile. While he didn’t cause the property tax issue he does need to make it priority one going forward!

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Whom would Trump strategists FEAR facing the most?

  1. Sanders/AOC
  2. Pritzker/Abrams
  3. George/Washington (George Clooney/Kerry Washington)
  4. Obama/Whitehouse (Michelle Obama/Sheldon Whitehouse)
  5. Raskin/Crockett
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My anecdotal understanding is that non-MAGA republicans will still vote Trump if the Dem alternative is Harris, (or some other blue-MAGA product).

Bernie seems to me the most likely to beat Trump, given his democratic, independent, and moderate populist appeal, especially among non-MAGA republicans; but, the oligarchs seem like they would rather lose to Trump with Harris than beat Trump with Bernie, so I don’t expect them to endorse this option.

So I feel like Trump is gunna win. And I feel like democracy is only on the line to the extent that we have democracy, which is to say I think democracy is in fact not on the line. What I do think is on the line is our inverted totalitarianism’s pretense of faux-democracy, (as well as our limited freedom and safety within the stability of that pretense, globally, relative to the chaos and dangers of Trump’s political ascension).

But, if I had to propose an option, I would go Bernie or bust. Because, if progressives hold, perhaps the imminent loss with Harris to Trump could shake some of the oligarch’s minions into abandoning their ship, and they might allow progressives to take the wheel, (ideally with an open /fair process, though I expect even then that shenanigans would still ensue by some divided oligarch interests). But, admittedly it is a long shot, even if I’m seeing things well; and, I’m not sure I am, especially because I’m not sure how scared those minions are, nor how they would react to their fear given their delusional perspectives. I’m also not well acquainted with how the electoral college calculus could play into having better odds with other options. And probably a host of other considerations. :turtle:

What I want to know is, will Bernie run in an open process if Biden is dropped? Do we know? And, is there another broadly appealing populist option other than Bernie?; (most populist options seem to me like their appeal is more narrow, like how the squad seems to me to be limited to progressive appeal).

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This isn’t about who the correct Biden replacement is, rather it’s about the CORRECT PROCESS to find his replacement.

If the Dems (as they almost always do), rig the game, then they LOSE BIG TIME.

As painful as it will be, they should go with a free open convention, which includes RFK Jr. and anyone else who wants to throw their hat in, and let the process unfold naturally without any rigging and let the delegates (which are strongly predisposed/stacked in favor of Harris) determine the nominee… If they do then the Dems win.

Perhaps Harris won’t win and a better candidate will emerge, who might have a real chance of beating Trump.



Also, to the many first-time posters, welcome! :turtle:


M.Obama/P. Buttigieg or J. Raskin
G. Whitmer/ P. Buttigieg or J. Raskin

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My only concern with some of the names you’re tossing out would be that they have to be from different states due to wording in the constitution. John Stewart and Charlemagne tha God, for example, are both from NY.


I like Raskin too. You mentioned Amy Klobuchar, which makes me wonder if you are from the great state of Minnesota! :smiling_face:

My choice would be Jamie Raskin and Jasmine Crockett. Now that is a ticket that I could seriously get behind.


I would contribute my small donation to Governor Josh Shapiro in the general. Here is why.


Shapiro Calls SCOTUS Immunity Decision "Dark Day For America".



  1. Like speed-dating, we’ll need a speed-primary for the delegates, and may the best person win.

  2. Vice President on the ticket should be the province of the winner of the delegates.

  3. If Vice President Kamala Harris gets hurt feelings instead of inviting all comers to the contest, she–by definition–is not strong enough.

  4. If you are politically aware and you like living in a free country and you grasp what fascists in power do and you have an opportunity to help prevent a fascist take over but you choose not to because your favorite person whose race and gender matches your own wasn’t the nominee you expected from the party king-makers as the just reward for your demographic being instrumental in the success of past campaigns, you may regret it. We can ‘return to normal programming’ when the threat has passed. Those kinds of concerns are off-point.

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What do you mean by this?

Gore/Turner or Harris/Bernie


Regarding my message sent to you- I’m only dreaming of a Harris/Bernie ticket. Of course the corporate donors wouldn’t allow it so I’ll go with Gore/Turner


I would vote for Marianne Williamson and Professor West VP, seeing them combine their campaigns as the CITIZENS PROGRESSIVE PARTY to collect the votes of the POOR PEOPLE’s MOVEMENT, Unions and Labor, Women Equality and Family Planning, LGBTQAI, Black Voters, Multi-ethnic voters, faith based voters who still respect Seperation of Church and State, The Youth Vote, student Gaza Activists and PRO-PEACE VOTERS who are against the DRAFT and WWII. That is a HISTORIC MASSIVE THIRD PARTY MOVEMENT.


There’s a long list of reasons people in KY love Governor Andy Beshear. His early fight was to fund pension systems for teachers and public employees. That earned him a lot of love. His handling of the pandemic, though, is how he gained so much support. A lot of people took comfort watching Beshear’s daily media briefings during the early and most uncertain phase of the pandemic. He clumsily went in blind and ignorant, and honest to those facts, as he put together his team to address the pandemic. One thing he did was encourage people to shine a green light outside their homes at night to honor the dead. During the pandemic you could drive around any neighborhood and see green lights. I still see green lights here and there. His team included American Sign Language interpreter Virginia Moore, a champion of the deaf and hard of hearing community, who would take a moment to teach the governor and viewers how to sign new phrases after people expressed interest. I believe the first phrase she taught was “we will get through this together.” Years later people all around KY show off that they still remember how to sign that, even if we forgot the rest.
youtube .com/watch?v=-cGgueLXWEA

youtube .com/watch?v=sYjd9DFOcf0

You can see the emotions well up in the governor when Virginia shared the news of her health struggles.
youtube .com/watch?v=Eiq1pk1GLDw
The sad news that she lost her battle.
youtube .com/watch?v=KbwNa49sN2M

The governor remembering her.
youtube .com/watch?v=h-_DDzZ2CfY

I see so many people talking about wanting Beshear to run for president. I decided to ask a few of them, “why him?”, to see their reasons. They’re pretty similar. Here’s one from someone who would otherwise seem like they’d be conservative:

“all of his work when the storms went through, its the first thing I think of when I think about him. He and his wife both were hugging absolute strangers with broken everything laying around just afterwards. Mitch never did that he just made an appearance and never once did Andy toss paper towels or toilet paper or anything like that at people who had just lost everything. He was a true human during that time and has continued to be”

He’s human and he fights to get shit done. Those are the reasons people love him.
youtube .com/watch?v=9MWgx3WxKXw

I’m encouraged to read so many positive comments about my state’s governor, Gretchen Whitmer. Yes, she’s smart, articulate and attractive. But as the public will learn, she’s all about results, not just fluff. Her vision is clear—bringing people together, making progress happen, and doing it all with a warmth and humor that’s as refreshing as it is effective.
Gretchen Whitmer understands people. She’s a lawyer, educator, former county prosecutor, State Representative, and state Senator. She’s a Gen-X mom with two daughters in college. Her passion for addressing real problems with tangible solutions has became the cornerstone of her political approach. She consistently draws votes far beyond traditional political labels. The large number of independents – and many Republicans - who are skeptical of a sleazy self-promoter Trump, will be very comfortable voting for Gretchen Whitmer


On youtube, in the comments of a TYT video specifically discussing this topic, I cited a link to a FREE+OPEN medium article discussing a candidate (it’s easier to read than youtube comments, and if people don’t have time to read it, they can beg-off it once they see how long it is…) They claimed the post was spam, and pulled my posts and account. My guess? The Biden/Harris campaign is trying to put out the fires of a discussion of a new candidate, and they are contacting youtube to get discussions redacted in the Comments.