The New Candidates

Beshear is not strong enough in KY to turn that state blue against TRUMP. Beshear benefits from a very popular political family legacy in the state of KY (and only KY). Putting him on any 2024 ticket will not turn KY blue, so what does he deliver to help a ticket win? I’m not sure his success is transferable to MI/WI/PA.

Even with his great last name, Beshear beat an unpopular and scandal-plagued governor (Bevin) in 2019 by only 5200 votes (0.37%)…that is how red KY is. If a few more libertarians voted Rep then Beshear loses that race…KY is super-deep red.

In 2023 as an incumbent Beshear won more comfortable race by 5% against a very young black Republican AG who straddled the fence with Trump and had his own issues with the murder of Breonna Taylor.


California is not the highest tax burden. It has very low property taxes. It has a progressive tax system. Average Texans pay more taxes than Californians in agregate. The difference is California taxes capital and has a progressive tiered system. The more you have the more you pay. It’s the opposite in red states like Texas and Florida. All the taxes are on the working class and none on the wealthy. Such as Texas having zero tax on capital.

California rates towards the bottom for taxes if you are working class. It is the highest if you are wealthy. Red states are the opposite. They regressively tax. The so-called lowest tax state Florida is the highest regressively taxed state in the nation.

Most State Tax Systems Are Highly Regressive, Report Finds (

We are looking for the very very best CAMPAIGNER. If we can add to the odds of winning with other factors too (such as swing-state lost to the enemy of the state with high favorability number among registered voters), all the better. But, the reason why Biden failed is that he is no longer able to campaign sufficiently. So, find the Ultra-Charismatic-Ultra-Smart-Ultra-Informed-Ultra-Clean-Ultra-Healthy-Ultra-Honorable, and yes, Ultra-Tough-AMERICA-LOVING campaigner able to get elected on one campaign promise alone:

        The Rule of Law Shall Be Restored and Reinforced in the U.S.A.

If there is no such politician who fits that description, it may be necessary to have a patriot from a different walk of life step up to the plate. This person must be able to make 5 stump speeches a day. This person must have a ferocious command of every FU the enemy of the state ever perpetuated while in public office by abusing power, AND every beneficial thing the Democratic president recently did, was block from doing, and was mistaken about at the front of his/her mind and on the tip of his/her tongue. This person need to possess a mind that is a Steel Trap and mouth that is an Indy Car. This person must be able to parry with the bad actors in the press conferences with style and GRACE (check the venom at the door – this is about campaigning to mom and pop AND their grandchildren who are scared). And being fearlessly out front! This person needs to be able to articulate the conflicts of interest driving media choices, etc., etc., etc. with facts and knowledge. This person needs the endurance to make five stump speeches a day (note: private jets such as Airforce One are mobile penthouse suites, not red-eye flights in coach). This person needs good judgement to burn when it comes to course correcting staffers on the campaigning team (hiring and firing). This person should not be selected based on access to a war chest alone – Bernie showed us what small donations can do. This person must want it (the accomplishment of the campaign promise) badly. So, who is that person? This silver bullet? I don’t know. But this can serve as an improvised job description for applicants to reveal themselves. Applicants who are hesitant need not apply. Finally, I think we should put an end to the controversy respectfully and concisely (no snark intended!) with three words: eight one next.

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Kamala Harris

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If you need a strong black woman it is Nina Turner but DNC has got get behind her like they do with Stacy Abrams.

Bernie is still my #1 cuz he almost won last time and he is still great live and is the one Trump would worry about! And with Nina Turner as VP. Electric!

2nd choice is Katie Porter Congresswoman from CA. She has been amazing in Congressional hearings.

But Ill take Gov Inslee, Elizabeth Warren

To Tim Ryan, I am a double hater and not just anyone younger is fine. Bernie is still with it. But if you need younger and good that would be Katie, AOC, or Nina.

No more corporate 3rd-way conservative Dems.

If Bernie is not president then make him Sen Maj Leader!!!


I fear this will happen and it makes me just as furious as when Biden ran last time. Pete and Kamala are some of the worst former candidates.

Harris-Newsom … make it a California ticket and MAGA will lose their minds.

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Bernie Sanders and AOC


Defiently not Whitmer she didn’t fix the roads, she ignored the min wage, she shut down our businesses and didn’t even pay essential workers bonuses despite keeping the state moving under Covid. People shouldn’t vote for a person based off their sexual organs they should vote for people who actually deliver on their campaign promises and unfortunally fellow democrats put her in office twice.

Whitmer didn’t deliver on fixing the roads, She didn’t push for raising the min wage just let it sit in the courts for years, She didn’t give bonuses to essential workers despite risking their lifes to keep the state going. Are you not from Michigan? There is a laundry list of her incompetence lets list everything.

Bernie Sanders/Nina Turner (in my dreams)
Shawn Fain/Sara Nelson (pro-labor all the way) Or Sara Nelson/Shawn Fain…
or… Sean O’Brien
Ro Khanna


Alas, the 12th Amendment disallows this. I am not a fan of Newsom either way, but that ticket is barred.

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Brian Schatz is easily my dream pick as he’s like a younger Bernie Sanders on advocacy on the issues if we look at his Senate floor speeches and there is enough time for his name to be known, media and donors just won’t like him.

Less enthusiastic but if we’re going establishment and bringing back candidates, John Kerry looks younger than Al Gore, has the energy in his voice and movements he was missing in 2004, has stayed educated on foreign affairs via being the US Presidential Envoy for Climate til March of this year, including meeting with leaders in the Middle East, India, and China, and is a veteran so he can counter Trump’s comments on military members and understand managing a world trying to avoid/push WWIII.

Bernie with the younger Schatz could be powerful. Jay Inslee could be a nice climate change add-on for anyone. Could see Stephan Colbert stepping up if told the protection of democracy needs his star power and speaking ability. Lastly, there is Don Lemon who is registered as an Independent but so is Bernie and he seems to also lean left and would be good knowing his stuff for a debate, being on screen, and negotiating deals in the Senate.

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My pick would be Joe Manchin.

…LOL! jkjkjk

Too bad Marianne Williamson already dropped out. Speaking of that, if a candidate already ran a campaign and dropped out, is it at all possible to get back into the race, like if delegates actually chose her to replace Biden? Not that the Democrat establishment would EVER do such a thing… just speaking hypothetically, of course and jc.

My more realistic picks would be: 1) Bernie; 2) Al Gore; 3) Bonus pick: Mehdi Hasan


Forgive me for being Captain Obvious, but our constitutional Democratic Republic is literally on the line and is in a similar position to what the constitutional Democratic Republic of Germany was in right before Hitler took power. So that means (1) we need to choose a candidate who can beat Trump and (2) can at least do the job of President on an okay or better level.

So, how does one win a presidential election? According to that professor who’s predicted the last 10 presidential elections, Lichtman, a presidential candidate must meet 8 out of 13 key criteria in order to win. Lichtman insists that Biden has 8 of the 13 keys already. Looking at Lichtman’s criteria myself, unless I am misunderstanding them, I disagree with Lichtman’s overly positive assessment of Biden, and I don’t think Biden has the min “eight keys” needed to unlock a win for the presidency as Lichtman thinks he does.

I have always said I will vote for a toaster if that is the candidate likely to defeat Trump. For me and for the safety of my family, I am definitely voting for anybody but Trump and the candidate most likely to defeat Trump.

But, perhaps it would be helpful if we were to apply some kind of evidence-based methodology to select our best choices for presidential candidates to replace Biden. Perhaps we could even use Lichtman’s 13 keys to make a decision about who would be best to replace Biden? And there’s also the issue of campaign fundraising and candidate promotion to consider. “What ticket of President and vice President would be the most attractive and inspiring to the voting public and get the most number of voters out to the polls to vote for that ticket?” Is also a good logical question to ask ourselves and it would be nice to see polling numbers on that winning President and vice President ticket.

I recommend we check out those 13 key criteria from Lichtman. (A true or false response to each of the 13 assertions determines whether or not it checks off that box, so to speak. For example, on Lichtman’s first assertion as to whether or not the incumbent party has a majority in the house of representatives, the answer would be false for any candidate we would suggest because Dems don’t hold the majority in the house of representatives.)


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Kamala Harris P / Tim Ryan VP
(I’m not a Kamala fan but appreciated the perspective from Sharon Reed this morning and changed my mind)



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Constitutional scholar. Heck yeah :+1:

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My "deep blue friends "like Kamala (sorry Cenk lol)

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Jamie Raskin or Amy Klobuchar.
Both are likable and well spoken and don’t have much baggage to drag them down.
Would I prefer a Bernie or AOC? Of course!
But our corporate masters will never allow it.