This topic thread is mostly a one-stop-shop that compiles the good arguments on youtube and elsewhere against worker visas that have few strings attached.
Meidas neglects to mention the decades of ABUSE of H1Bs by the Dem Party, as a targeted reward for donor corporations:
The idea of the program is a simple one: I can’t find the specialized help I need; I need to go offshore for it.
But the REALITY of the program is: I can’t find the specialized help I need for the cheap price I want to pay; I need to go offshore for it.
The solution should be: if you really need to enlist that special help and you really can’t find it here, you, the employer, will need to pay a hefty tax for retaining it (a percentage of the pay, since that reflects a loss of revenue to the domestic economy…) This way there still is a way to access offshore talent; but it’s not used to enable expatriation of spending, leading to a decline of the domestic economy. When an employee is hired here, they usually spend here. Musk and The Swami are espousing the typical libertarian tech bro’ bullshat. There is no such thing as “free” trade; there is always a cost associated with trade, and that cost should be offset by the net gain and domestic benefit from the trade, as endorsed by voters. Gain for who? A simple utilitarian premise: a gain of the greatest good for the greatest number of voters.
Once there is a cost associated with offshore talent, there becomes an incentive to get people trained here. In the meantime, the business can get the help from offshore until the training catches up here.
Gee, Trump is talking up a storm about using tariffs -isn’t such a tax penalty just a tariff on offshore labor, where foreign markets do not have the regulatory level playing field to match domestic regulations?? (for not having rampant pollution, providing some form of healthcare, etc.)
If The Swami wants to then argue that Americans can never become trained, well there we have it, ladies and gentlemen: he’s a lying sack of shit who will put forward any sort of sophistry to maximize his profits and those of his bros’. He and Musk are angling to be the remaining members seated in the game of economic musical chairs.
Cenk: are you getting now what I was saying, that it’s a real bad idea to talk to one-percenters in Club Trump who are fake-sipping the MAGA Kool Aid? You can dialog with MAGAs, but the ones who really believe what they say. Bannon would be just such a person.
Hey, if Musk really thinks ““free”” trade is so great, how come the low-cost Chinese EVs aren’t being welcomed for sale here and in Germany??
By the way: I find it pretty embarrassing how Steve Bannon is fighting hard for Americans on this issue, but meanwhile note how Dems are remaining quiet on the issue itself because they would TOTALLY want to keep that in their corporate donor toolchest.