The Worker Visa Debate (+the "Right to Work" SCAM...)

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The reason Musk was the bagman for the corporations wanting unfettered H1Bs; Tesla is failing. If he and The Swami get few strings attached to the H1Bs, those corporate investors would plow SOME of the H1B profits back into investing in Tesla; Trump gets the bag (offshore…)

[The Swami gets a commission, like he did for his pharma scam (link…) <sarcasm> -a superb example of the intellectual excellence he wants to inculcate here in America! </sarcasm>]

UPDATE: more videos explaining Musk’s desperation…


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Maybe strikes+slowdowns+walkouts should be done nationally if it appears Congress won’t be fair when they reconvene. But it can’t be a one day thing; a message should be sent that this will be kept up until a fair outcome for worker visas is delivered. Note that flash mob protests are the best way, since they cannot plan to mitigate economic losses. The message is a simple one: you threaten our job stability with unfair and unethical practices, and we will threaten your profits. Give workers a fair deal, and we will get back to work and work real hard. Strikes might trigger a recession/depression? Then we all lose, which is the same difference to workers if they continue to go along with a raw deal that puts them at risk of eventual homelessness and starvation.

Perhaps we also need to do a targeted boycott against the top 1000 egregious H1B abusers;

Index of H1B Sponsoring Companies
since the 2011 fiscal year (link…)

call them the “Misfortune 1000” (link…)

[How do you boycott Google or Apple?? Make a commitment to get a dumbphone and use it some of the time. It’s healthy to “digital detox”; and when you do, it’s defeating the revenue they indirectly make on providing location tracking and website search and visit data…]

I think a personality or personalitIES with followings would need to promote it. Addressing Stupid+Greedy Hitler would be a waste of time. The Repubs have already signaled with the refusal of the Musk-Trump Shutdown Order that they will not sign on to Bridges Too Far. <grin>And I guess we’ll see how courageous the Dems are on the issue when it comes time to vote on it!</grin>

Transportation from various cities should be sponsored in part by unions. Keep in mind that American workers that can spend buy more domestic products; also, for the auto unions it would be a big punch in the gut to Musk. Propping up his failing Tesla venture is what’s driving him on this issue. He’s looking to quash any EV competition, including of course competition from lower-cost US manufacturers (see post above; link…) Union organizers could educate people they are giving a lift to about the “Right to Work” scam (Sanders alert!)

Maybe that should be protested at the same time too?

It would be psychedelic if the Teamsters were to get in on this. Then they wouldn’t have to drive crappy Tesla trucks.

Advice to unions that might do this: watch out; Musk will pay for saboteurs to fill the buses. He can only play dirty…

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Note: While unions aren’t _always_ the solution for employees, the Orwellian-named “Right To Work” laws are clearly an attempt to suppress options for workers to be treated fairly.

Nobody will want the formation of a union where they will have to pay dues and attend meetings if they are already being treated fairly by their employer -and that’s shown to be the case in many workplaces…

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Dore busts The Swami…

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WE’RE going to need a lot of people to conduct repeated flash mob strikes and slowdowns until these programs are ethical and just (including getting rid of the “Right to Work” scam…)

FYI: I renamed this thread to reflect the wider abuse of worker rights; it’s NOT just H1B! (though that’s what Musk is focused on to save his Tesla Hindenburg…)

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Update: Alex they’re-making-the-frogs-gay Jones has picked sides with Musk. Not surprised; after his court bankruptcy, Musk can arrange for offshore and/or anonymous crypto to be transferred to him -he would be cheap right now!

He’s trying to finesse it as a counteraction against a splitting of MAGA. Yo’, Alex: we don’t give a rat’s ass about your division on this issue, or Musk trying to salvage Tesla, or Trump making a score from Musk: it’s about fair and ethical treatment of American workers. [To those who don’t work for a living] It’s about stopping the extraction from America of the production of important products and services, and also wealth, all just to feed a trans-national one-percenter blackhole of capital accumulation.

News flash to MAGAs: we’re fighting the corporate owners of the Dem Party too on this issue! And Sanders is too; he’s done getting played by those owners.

The Teamsters President got it completely right to NOT endorse either candidate. I myself foolishly held out hope that Harris would offer something for workers -but the corporate owners said: “Nope! Not worth it; we’ll wait for the next election. At least the corporate tax rate will be unaffected by a Trump admin…”

MAGAs who work for a living and are pissed about being thrown under the bus with these worker visa scams: come Election Day, my vote was a write-in!

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Dore on Bannon:

Bannon gets one thing seriously wrong on the TARP bailout: Paulsen SHOULD HAVE required that management needed to step down if the bank took the funds and the bank in question had a very high over-leveraging on liar loans or had played around a lot with Collateralized Debt Obligations (link…), simultaneously telegraphing that they would be held personally responsible and be prosecuted if their institution failed and they did not take advantage of the bailout (i.e., they barricaded themselves into the C-Suite…) By doing a no-strings-attached bailout, they perpetuated the high risk mentality of most American banks.

Canada’s banking system in 2008 was not over-leveraged on liar’s loans. So the “you couldn’t have seen this coming” argument used to defend American banking/investment banking in 2008 was an audacious lie.

But being that Hank Paulsen of the Treasury in 2008 was the former president of Goldman Sachs and Steve Bannon used to work at Goldman, his opinions on the TARP bailout have a strong conflict of interest! But I thank that he spoke up against the worker visa thing anyway -that took some guts.

He says in the interview about the pillars of US finance: “it all still exists” [thanks to the TARP Bailout[; uhh, along with the high risk mentality that manages them! You just made my point, Steve. The TARP bailout was a golden missed opportunity to flush all the high risk mentality from American banking. Hey, if someone wants to do a high-risk venture, have at it! But we don’t want our BANKS doing it!

And we didn’t let them -until Glass Steagall got repealed!

Jimmy claims that Bannon was jailed because he was a threat to “the establishment” (sic.) No, he got jailed because he ignored a subpoena. Jimmy tries to mitigate the contempt charge by saying others never got charged for contempt. And some others have, Jimmy; prosecution is discretionary, not obligatory. Don’t like that? Change the law. And the hearing was a valid one: where did the “Build the Wall” money go? It was mishandled; that’s a valid hearing. It’s Bannon’s right to raise money for The Wall, but there are accounting rules that any fundraiser in the U.S.has to follow.

The joke I always liked on “The Wall”: “Show me a 20 foot wall, and I’ll show you a 22 foot ladder…” Tight border controls are not a joke. But “The Wall” was just a narcissistic monument to Stupid Hitler (I suspect he has fantasies that they will be talking about it 15 centuries from now, like Hadrian’s Wall…) Drones, fencing, and perimeter monitors are more adept at stopping crossings.

“Fixed fortifications are monuments to the stupidity of man. If mountain ranges and oceans can be overcome, then anything built by man can be overcome.”

-General Patton

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PS: “Bill Maher is a complete dipshit…”

<joke>Tell us something we don’t know!</joke>

“…under a government that imprisons unjustly, the true place for a just man is also in prison.”


OK: Bannon believing the hearing to be persecution and a Kangaroo one, that was his right. To his credit, he paid the cost (whereas Trump never did, other than showing up for a headshot in Georgia…) Not exactly the same as a black guy getting booked for sitting at a whites-only counter of a diner in Selma, but he is not completely full of it the way Musk,The Swami, and Stupid Hitler are…

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Absolutely hilarious:

(I jump-cut to the best part; rewind if you want to watch it all…)

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Glaringly absent from The Turks discussion below is the very suspicious circumstantial evidence that Silicon Valley tech monopolies and Fortune 1000 investors have a deal to invest in Tesla in exchange for Musk (and transitively Trump…) delivering on H1Bs. Contrast the motive he would have for cheaper margins on his tech hires versus getting investors to prop up Tesla. Look at the videos above (link…) where it’s pretty clear that Tesla is starting to implode…

And as Bernie often says: “it’s not rocket science”…to fix the H1B program to make it fair. You average the costs of American IT workers (go check census bureau stats for that…), compare it to the costs of the H1B hires, take the difference of those averages, reduce it to a percent -that’s your visa tax, which is to go to American technical training and education (it could be in the form of a tech scholarship pool, or financial aid targeted to students seeking degrees in tech, as opposed to basket weaving…)

Once the costs of both workers are the same, who will employers want? The ones who are difficult to communicate with for specifications??

At this point I know the Swami would crack a joke about Americans being hard to communicate with -oh yes, Vivek; we have always LOVED getting a support person with little command of the English language on a call! Except yourself, of course, whose language skills have been used to such noble ends (link…)

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WOW, you should start another separate discussion with this!

From the interview: “If it’s a scam as you say, why does Tesla want it??”

Answer: The Worker Visa Debate (+the "Right to Work" SCAM...) - #22 by patrie

The interviewee appears to be in denial about the danger of tech mega-monopolies. They actually stifle tech innovation, in spite of all their claims to the contrary,

Good job, Kyle; you’re pushing back on the “you’re just racist” talking point peddled by Musk AND the portion of the Left that has become IRRELEVANT since they have become out of touch with American workers.

[For those not in the know: Key and Peele had a very funny poster with both of them in swivel chars smiling at the camera, and copy next to them that read: “Key and Peele. If you don’t like it, you’re racist.”]

An example of Musk paid [online] propaganda. He didn’t invent it, but he is going it at a scale as has never been seen…

It’s the same thing as how Big Plastic runs tons of fake stories on revolutionary recycling solutions (“So don’t bother with local chargeback solutions, people -the problem is about to be solved…”)

Shifting the Costs of Recycling to Manufacturers, Not Consumers (link…)


A path has been proposed: attend school in the US, and upon completion you get a Green Card. Can’t afford that? Guess what?? Nor can many Americans! H1Bs HAVE TO cost an employer the same price as an American tech worker (by means of a tax based on an average from census stats…)

They get into a new report a couple of minutes in…

“Vivek said Americans are lazy…”

How can you possibly argue that when he is so busy slinging bullshit like this? Now THAT’S work!

An example of where I part ways with Bannon:

He said Barrett should have gone along with a vote to overrule Stupid Hitler’s NY State fraud case. I think not, Steve. While Bragg did something politically chickenshit, escalating the charges to felonies (this was in NY STATE, right??), the evidence was pretty clear cut and supported by a jury verdict.

Oh, and calling Trump a ““moderate MAGA””, Steve? That was NOT gutsy. Now it looks like you are just climbing on board the working class relevance train, smelling that Trump is just about to screw the MAGA pooch.

You cannot serve two masters, Steve. Trump wants a payoff from Silicon Valley and Fortune 1000 investors, by way of Musk. Trump feels he has no fealty to MAGAs who work for a living; if he goes along with getting a payoff for giving away H1Bs, he will say what he always does: “It’s working class MAGA’s fault! They were stupid enough to believe me.”

If you are with workers, you can’t also be with Trump -UNLESS Trump turns on a dime and suddenly supports workers like there’s no tomorrow. Given his history of the way he treated his workers at various Trump ventures (other than those who had lied for him to break the law…), I don’t see that happening. Trump can prove me wrong when a new H1B bill hits Congress, right? There would have to be a provision that charges a tax for education and training, to insure H1s cost the same as American workers. I think that’s a little less wacky than your “reparations” idea. When domestic talent costs the same as offshore talent, I KNOW who employers will be picking (contrary to the beliefs of The Swami…)

Going to a non-union factory with paid actors playing factory workers is NOT going to be getting Trump out of this one.

[I would have loved it if the judge in that NY case had given a penalty of community service, picking up garbage. But it appears that judges nowadays are not as creative as they once used to be…]

Overreliance on H-1B visas is a classic example of patching a problem instead of fixing it. Companies use them as a Band-Aid because it’s easier than addressing the real issues—like the lack of good workforce training programs and fair access to them. If we really want a sustainable system, we’ve gotta prioritize building up our own talent pipelines here at home.

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