The Worker Visa Debate (+the "Right to Work" SCAM...)

So if they take a tax that levels the cost of the H1Bs and plow it back into US education and training, that goes towards fixing the problem.

But frankly, I doubt there IS a problem; there are many qualified hires here. They just want to use offshore hires living in poverty, to depress wages. As I have said before: if the employers want to subsidize the US costs of American workers, they can work for the same wages as these offshore hires. But that can’t happen, so just tax H1Bs so they end up as the the same cost as US workers. Then the tech companies can’t complain that they just can’t get the tech help they need.

There’s another reason Indians (NOT Americanized Indians…) are often hired (in addition to their low costs for putting up their families…) They tend to be a submissive culture; they do not push back. So when a C-suite comes to an American/Western worker and asks for something to be accomplished in an absurd amount of time (time=money…), they will tell their bosses it’s unrealistic. An Indian worker will sense they are being telegraphed that they must get it done in that amount of time, or else.

So what do these Indian workers do? They agree so that their pay keeps coming, and don’t deliver. They will deliver software that’s a Potemkin Village. I speak from personal technical experience; most Indian workers are great at testing software, but on development, they stink. The few that are good, guess what? They’re not stupid; they will charge nearly as much as American/Western workers.

So why does the C-suite go along with having their systems damaged? Because they will show a jump in revenue, get their stock options (like Brian Thompson…), and get the hell out of there to rinse+repeat at another company. The broken systems they left behind will be someone else’s problem. The workers have no such incentive to go along with crapping up the systems. If they work on a system that will be decommissioned in a year or two because it’s so broken, that will not be helping their next job searches!

A tech writer called John Dvorak had a great joke about Indian software: “If Indian software developers are so great, how come you don’t hear about Indian software [PRODUCT] companies??” (there a few product companies that exist, but you don’t hear about them <joke> -must be due to racism! </joke>)

I needed to explain this Indian offshoring phenomena, to dispel The Swami’s colossal racist horseshit about white developers being poor developers. It will be very interesting to see the hiring stats once H1s cost the same as American tech workers; but we may not get to see that if Trump continues on his trajectory to give the finger to hard-working MAGAs -he wants Musk’s bag 'o money REAL BAD!

These guys touch on the irrelevant people on the Left seeing Bernie’s seeking fair and ethical treatment of workers in the worker visa programs as racism.

Reminds me of BLM attacking Bernie for not being a more strident supporter of anti-racist causes (link…)

Then he should immediately make a pledge to never use H1Bs…because he’s saying there he doesn’t need coders, RIGHT??

Oh, and looky there! He DOES use a lot of H1Bs!

We are waiting with baited breath for your pledge, Mark. If AI really makes coding obsolete, what do you have to lose?? By the way, while I am addressing you in this public forum: “React” (link…) is one of the biggest scams perpetrated on the software industry (though graphql -link…- was not a bad product…)

I think if your are using “MyFaceSpace” at this point, you are out of your fucking mind. Get a bluesky account and hook it up to a microblog:

We’re talking a whopping $12/year! Stop looking like an AOL user from the 2000s!! Need something fancier? (ability to have tickets for an event, collaborative scheduling, charge for subscriptions…) Then go with Bluesky and a full blog at WPengine.

“But Facebook is free!”

This wanna-be pimp is selling your ass to marketers: your locations, who you interact with, what sites you visit, … Is THAT ““free””?? If he had been ethical, he should have issued giftcards for maintaining a presence on his platform YEARS ago! But you Facebook users want to remain social media sharecroppers. Put up a forwarding page already to a Bluesky and microblog (or full blog…) destination already…

Jump cut to worker visa programs; you can rewind it if you want to watch the entire discussion…

Completely correct and spot on analysis, Cenk…

Ana: “…and one of the things he will want for the money he invested in Trump is cheap labor for his company…”

It’s not just that, Ana; he has a deal for tech investors to prop up Tesla in exchange for delivering on H1Bs for the wider set of companies that get investment and use H1Bs -it’s an attempt to pump Tesla. Without that crucial understanding, Musk will claim it’s absurd that the multi-million ($250,000,000?) investment in Trump justified only HIS profit savings with H1Bs. It’s all about getting investment to keep Tesla afloat, and Trump getting an offshore payoff for changing worker visa policy from what it was in 2016. Tesla is a looming dangerous economic hazard for the US (along with BS AI claims -not that all AI is BS…)

Bannon is not just fighting Musk; but I’d rather leave my comment at that. While we may not agree on all issues with him, it’s important Musk gets taken down, and right now Bannon is the only one who can and is doing it (I don’t want my comments to make it even harder for him to accomplish that…)

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“And what about all those great high tech jobs that were going to be created??”
“I will call for a role call vote…”
Ouch! You mean if I am a corporate Dem OR a bullshit populist Repub, I won’t be able to hide under my desk with a secret vote??

Well, that’s one way to spin it, Fortune…

And then there was one!

Steve Bannon: Musk has a WHITE HOUSE email address. Is this the ejection of Musk of which you spoke?

A man cannot serve two masters. Forgive me for the der-hey observation: Trump is anti-worker. So now what are you going to do, Steve? Gaslight us that he is pro working rights??

Musk isn’t going to last long. The cult leader won’t allow it.

Blah blah blah. Yes; he has not a clue. Don’t waste your time listening to him (or ANYTHING he SAYS, for that matter…)

The real showdown is coming in Congress, when they set the quotas and terms for worker visas. It will be Trump getting a bag of assets offshore and Musk getting his imploding Tesla stock propped up by corporate investors wanting the no-strings-attached visas for companies they invest in, versus Repubs who know that worker MAGAs will hit the eject button on Trump and Musk if they go along with it. What side will the Dems take?? That remains to be seen! The fact most have not spoken up on it so far tells me they would be likely to side with tech monopolies (they usually did, right??) Thankfully Sanders made the cogent move to demand a role call vote on it (as opposed to a secret vote…) If the Repubs (and Dems?) move to have a secret vote anyway, they will be sawing out the political floor from under themselves…