Welcome to Team Hope

Jack, this is actually a very good idea. I want to think more about how to keep track of politicians who take money from AIPAC and its allies. People deserve to know who is doing their bidding. Maybe we can then expand to other lobbies, like defense contractors and drug companies.


Another good idea. I asked Kara to talk to you guys about this on last town hall, too. I think thereā€™s a way we can do research about Trump and show it on trumpczar.com. We might be able to do something similar with endthebombing.com in regards to the war in Gaza. We need researchers, fact checkers and someone who can put it up on a simple website and make it look pretty good (but doesnā€™t have to look great). These could be useful resources for people and movements.


Hi Jack! I like your idea. As you said, it is incredibly relevant and vital information. We have to start exposing the truth of how donor money influences our congresspeople, even to the point of being complicit in genocide. Your suggestion absolutely gets my vote!

Thanks drea_m_r_76 , I appreciate your support and I am all in , I am just not good on social media , Cheers, Jack


Hey Cenk , thanks for your response. BTW, I havenā€™t been on the town halls recently because I donā€™t know how to access it since you havenā€™t posted on Events on your website cenkforamerica.com. Where can I sign up? Best, Jack Callahan

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Posting an invitation link in this discussion post each week would be beneficial. Is that a possibility? Thank you!


Hello @karadhe

My apologies for bothering, especially for this silly reason: I failed to jot down your tyt.com email address and I so much want to volunteer for the efforts discussed today.

Gracias de antemano!


Fortunately, I have cleared my schedule so I can put efforts right into this. I have promised a lot in here and am in the process of living up to those as well as in TYTā€™s Discord.

Taking this into account, I will be back with deliverables* instead of just words. I will be back with the first portion, thoughā€¦ even the layout that will include the suggestions made on the town hall + the one that I didnā€™t get to share for time constraints.

*in the form of a mockup with real data ā€“ because I have been doing the research since @cenkuygur is always trying to bring positive change to the world

I am missing karaā€™s email address for the volunteering sign-up. But, of course, you are the ones to decide if no more hands are needed or wanted.

Thanks for doing so much! Be sure to pace yourself too <3
At least for myself, it can be difficult to grant space to feel patient given the interesting times we live in.

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Thank you very much for caring. I actually can be like some sort of Data from Star Trek. I am, indeed, inpatient given the times, but my reasons are objective:

Itā€™s not about AIā€¦ AI being in the mix, though

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I am glad that @cenkuygur finally is moving this to the action portion of this all, even if it doesnā€™t include meā€¦ I just donā€™t want this endeavor to end up like a right winger commented on Cenkā€™s video of OH launch: ā€œjust a discussion boardā€.

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Hi all, sorry i missed last week andā€¦this weekā€¦ I didnt know the time changed. I did do research on he Kushner case and would totally love to team up with Jack to continue research work! Have a good night yall!


Is it [email protected]?


Gonna try! Thanks!

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Yes! [email protected]

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We are going to get stuff done!


Yes! Will do.

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I heard Cenk say there is a way to sign up for operation hope? Is the email the way to do that?

I must say I am hopeless on any responses to an email. My previous volunteer attempts have been ignored, I assume nothing will / has changed.