Welcome to Team Hope

Hi! Being here is the first step. Email me at [email protected] if you have specific interests in volunteering. and WELCOME!!!


Hi Andrea, I have done some research on Aid Workers and AIPAC and have sent those articles { The Guardian and X } to her at [email protected]. Is there another way to do this . Iā€™m sort of rambling in the dark but those articles were very pertinent to our discussions on Zoom this week. Hope you are doing well, Jack

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Hi Jack,

I apologize for my delay in getting back to you!

It sounds like a great plan. I agree that we should probably keep a file on our computers with a brief summary of each article we find along with the links, and once or twice a week, we can send each other and Kara any new information we find. This way, we can stay in touch and compile good information. Does that sound kind of like what you were thinking? Please let me know if you have other ideas. Iā€™m new to this, so I am open to learning and feedback. :blush:

Thank you for reaching out to me. I hope you have a great day!

Warm Regards,


[email protected]

I am working on finding ways for us to store and share information. Perhaps a google doc?

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That works for me!

Hey Andrea , I just found this Topic link and wanted to let you know that I have sent 3 articles to Kara regarding Aid Workers, AIPAC vs. Progressives , and AIPAC donations to politicians. Unfortunately, I donā€™t know how to save this stuff unless someone tells me how or you can contact Zara for the material I sent her. So I will await further instructions. Take care , Jack or my handle Jackc380

Hi Jack, I hope you are doing well!

As long as Kara has it, weā€™re probably good for now. If thereā€™s a meeting this Wednesday, maybe we can ask others for their input on how best to collaborate and share our information.

Iā€™m also wondering if we should look up specific categories of information, or should we amass information and then categorize it?

I apologize; I donā€™t have any information to offer yet. There has been a death in the family and other family issues that have left me a bit lost and overwhelmed. (Sorry if thatā€™s too much information. :woman_facepalming:)

Hope to talk soonā€“thank you!

No worries , Andrea , I will continue to send info to Kara that Cenk spoke about eg AIPAC and Aid workers. I hope you find some solace and comfort in your grief. Best, Jack

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This one is more obvious because itā€™s largely why we are all here, I think it should be said though. Tyt and the tyt fam give me so much joy. I am so grateful for those working at tyt and all of you out there in the family like me. I didnā€™t know how to share that with everyone then it hit me. I have a bunch of videos of the hosts , mostly
Cenk, interacting with comments that Iā€™ve saved because they bring me so much joy. I hope tytā€™s kindness and the kindness of the community brings you all joy too.

iā€™ve never shared videos like this so fingers crossed this works. please let me know


Aw, those were greatā€“and I love me some Nina Turner! Iā€™m so glad to hear youā€™re doing well. It really is amazing how much better we feel when we are there for others. You are never alone! :heart:


Hey all,

I hope you all are having a great day! Recently, I proposed an idea at the last town hall in which was about creating a contact project to foreign governments who we think embody the values of a nation that truly upholds humanitarian rights to explore the potential of them creating extradition warrants against U.S. and European politicians who are clearly implicated in aiding and abetting human rights violations abroad(and those who are still around who have done so historically) under the legal concept of universal jurisdiction, despite the awful Hague Invasion Act(which basically implies that us politicians are above international law).

Anyways, to build more on the specifics, Iā€™m reaching out today to see how interested some of you would be in rallying around this idea and developing it by creating a database of foreign countries and legislators who we think uphold human rights consistently and send them our model legislation either though the internet or through the consulate! While it may not lead to immediate results or even actual initial enforcement, I firmly believe that taking such action could send a strong message to U.S. politicians that they should think a little closer about the consequences of their actions abroad, and serve as a rallying point for future generations in building a world where ALL countries and government officials are held to the same standard of international humanitarian law! As always, feel free to reach out if you are interested in working on this idea, or if you have any questions! Thank you so much and looking forward to seeing what we can do about this! My email is [email protected]!




Nina turner is the best. I wish we couldā€™ve done more for her. perhaps i need more involvement in we are somebody.

i love when doing whats right and going the extra mile feels good too!

Itā€™s support i find i need more and more each day that passes. so thank you for your kindness and being a great example for the rest of us


Wow, how impressiveā€“I hope you are coming to the meeting this afternoon! While I really donā€™t know what part I could even play in such a significant project, I am willing to help in any way I can, no matter how small the role.

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Letā€™s start one!

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Every little bit of help counts, my email is [email protected], letā€™s create a discussion group of sorts, whether it be slack, discord or whatever, where we organize for this project!

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You all are amazing!!! Letā€™s discuss on the town hall.


I think Guilded is the way.

Guilded? What is that?

It is like Discord but with more organizational tools attached more similar to Slack in ways.