What's the delay!?!?

My belief that more Progressives should own guns come from the fact that Donald Trump follows the playbook of Hitler to a T, and it’s working!

Guess who else thought radical leftist socialist had to be ethnically cleansed from existence?
The Nazis!
And they’re calling for Civil War and won’t stop!

I feel the matter is of significant importance considering Trump is backed by white supremacy!

My apologies, as this is actually part of a different conversation that bled into this thread.

To stay relevant, I believe this to be the real cause of our delays in Congress, it’s not like anyone 8s acting on good faith right now.

But to prove gaslighting is not involved, let’s review what exactly Progressives wanted from the Reconciliation Infrastructure Deal and what exactly Progressives wanted for the bill, popular by most of America, and absolutely critical for people to go back to work.

Paid family leave, so you can spend time with your new born.

Free pre-k childcare, so parents could go back to work. Mothers especially, over half that had to quit because of taking care of children, and this would have let American Moms be free to go back to their jobs they didn’t want to leave in the first place.

Giving Medicare the ability to negotiate drug prices, so we don’t have to keep paying the most outrageous prices in the whole wide world for prescription drugs.

Medicare was going to be expanded to include more old people that have been in desperate need.

It was only going to cost a mere 1 or 2% increase in corporate tax, the same tax Donald Trump lowered from 35% to 21% and still no one is getting raises, only minimum wage, and that’s a majority of the population!

That is what Progressives wanted from the Reconciliation Infrastructure Deal, since all of that is gone, it’s not a Progressive deal anymore is it?
Now it’s just another scam just like the actual Infrastructure Deal that does nothing but privatize the infrastructure we build!
That means paying for things we didn’t have to before!
Toll booths every eighth of a mile, water bills will be charging by the gallon, and literally every terrible thing that has happened to Texas from their government selling out their state’s utilities.

Over 700 dead, just from one storm.
The survivors were left with 5 figure electrical bills and broken water pipes.
And the electric company still over charged their customers and refused to correct their mistakes.

It doesn’t matter if you’re Democrat or Republican, Corporate Politicians work together across both aisles to hoodwink the American people!

It’s not just the Democrats you understand?
Everyone who voted for this Infrastructure Bill is a Corporate Politician.
Everyone supporting this Progressive in name only Bill is acting based on their campaign contributions; legalized bribes.
Every single one.

Remember them well, they don’t work for you, they work for your employer’s boss.

A living wage anywhere in a America is less than $2 more than their minimum wage.

But again, right now, it’s not really about policy. No one would believe that, it’s just that Progressives have had a stronger voice, and steadfast focus on the problems Democrats shamefully ignored by beating Bernie Sanders in the primary pf 2015.
Ever since then it’s been slander and shaming and “progressives fault for…” no, Trump was absolutely right, Hilary was the worst of them all!

Violence Begets Violence and owning a gun is going to do nothing but make you even more of a target. It is not that I am naive to the use of force for political goals. In fact, I am somewhat of an expert on the topic. The real danger lies in the fact the POLICE are one of MAGA’s key demographics and political leaders seem AFRAID of them.

THAT is the danger. No vigilante and EITHER SIDE is going to end liberty. A POLICE FORCE, however, absolutely can.

The one thing that helps me sleep at night is that I PERSONALLY know many Army Officers and my peers are all in the Combat Arms Branches. I am not losing sleep if some nutty Civil Affairs Major thinks Trump is king. I WOULD BE if the Infantry, Artillery, and Armor Officers started thinking that way.

They do not. Friends of mine who were Captains and Lt’s with me a decade ago are now Colonels and Soon Generals (one already). They are ALL highly progressive. But unlike loudmouth conservatives they stay silent because they wear a uniform. Just like I did until I didn’t. I assure you, they would quickly put a bullet into any right wing uprising…even one backed by police.

MY/OUR goal needs to PREVENT things from getting that far. Talking openly about guns all the time is the OPPOSITE way to do that.

Edit Also, Its all well and good to talk tough. Have you ever actually killed a person? Unless you are a complete Monster it changes you forever. I vowed never to pick up a weapon again after leaving the military based on my combat experience. It would take a DIRECT threat to my daughter for me to break that vow. I would not break it even to defend just myself.

Bro bad start to that one, you might wanna think that one through again

You need to read the thread this topic is meant for in American Culture Bias.
We can’t have this conversation before you’ve read my full opinion on the matter.
I address your issues.

Which opinions of most significance did I miss (I’ll admit you wrote a lot…which in and of itself is not a problem for me, but it was VERY hard to follow your writing style…and I did not catch all of it.

That said…when one part is simply WE MUST “GUNS”!!!

The rest sorta falls out of focus guess I assure you there IS no justification for tha tlevel of coutner violence OR need of protection. One gun is NOT going to prevent a mob of right wing lunatics with badges from murdering you (it will just increase the odds of it happening) and if its less organize the asnwer REMAINS the police force.

If the police are not cooperating and activley failing to protect you that is when you SUE in a court of law. Judges and Lawyers are FAR more progressive on the whole, and even the most conservative of judges will have the wisdom to know allowing the police to pick and choose who the protect is a recpie for an anarchy THAT HURTS THE RICH.

If a police can choose not to protect you cause you are lib, they can just as easily choose not to answer 911 calls to multi-millioion dollar estates on the grounds those estates can afford pvt security. Ergo…the only think allowing these hooligans to run wile in the police force are the WEAK leftist political leaders who let it happen.

As a young LT. in the Army my first Platoon Sergeant was a right wing nut job that tried to steamroll my authority. His mistake? A subordinate can’t take someones authority from them if they are WILLING TO USE IT. (Assuming the use of it is legal and appropriate)

This thread is where we are discussing this.

I’m not sure if your replying to my response or our other fellow member?

Was responding it iJedi

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Gotchu buddy

You need to read the whole thread. I’m sorry, there’s no way around it. I don’t promote war crazed gun toting “get ready for Armageddon” you need a gun or else kind of Second Amendment Rights Advocate.
I provide all the nuance you seek.

Link it again. I will check it out tomorrow morning. I would ask you re-read what you wrote and make sure it gets your points off in a clear manner. I honestly have no problem reading long articles/writings but you gotta do the reader the courtesy of making it easy to follow.

not an article, a thread within the forums. It’s the beginning and main of this discussion. You’re just hearing the tail end of it with no context to what was said before. Clarifying the safety of my gun ownership is of the utmost importance, and preparations taken long before the purchase, only once I was ready, and you are absolutely right to caution glory seeking, I have listened to enough vets in my life to respect the responsibility of duty and patriotism. That patriotism wasn’t recognized by the musket, but the pen.

Yeah but the pen does hold value if your writing bullshit

That implies that the musket has any value in politics at all. It does not, the musket is for defending the home, not the argument.

what is it with you and guns lol

Check your wordplay, you’re implying I put value in the musket for my patriotism at all.
That is not what I said, the pen is all that matters, the pen is the only thing that holds value.
The gun is not how I defend my Homeland, I’m like Andy Bernard, I will slowly wear you down with my game until you have no other choice but to say, “Fine!”
Guns can’t strike fear like my walls of text can.
People break into sweat deciding whether or not to engage me in discussion.

I think its more of whether its the worth time, I really believe you have good intent, but as a suggestion you may want to adjust your intimal engagement, people are tired of arguing my man, especially on a progressive platform.

Problem is, the wordplay is sort of essential to the back and forth between you and I.

My wordplay has to be absolutely accurate, my gun advocacy is at stake.

You were fine to play along, in fact tested the very edges of my Second Amendment Rights using that wordplay to try and trip me up on my convictions.

It means the jokes in my comments are no longer funny, as you start hearing it as an attack on you.

I am the one being scrutinized for my gun advocacy remember? I’m simply responding to you. If you are satisfied, then fine.

You don’t care that you accidentally implied I use my gun for my politics, so long as it doesn’t bite me in the ass later, then ok.

I think we are going to have agree to disagree my man, that’s ok, we have different views, but I don’t think our messages are be transcribed the way we intended. This more of misunderstanding than anything, but I appreciate you continuing the conversation.

Watched Jenk’s interview with Ro Khanna a few minutes ago 11/5/21. I realized what the problem is the the Progressive Caucus’ positions and ‘negotiations’. Khanna said (something like) “1.75 T is less than half from 3 T. Manshin is negotiating from zero.” Jenk countered, “Okay, then go back to 6, and half of that is back at 3.”
My ‘aha’ is that the progressive caucus members think they are negotiating vs zero, happy to get fractions. What they need to understand is they are actually negotiating vs The Fate of the Democratic Party. They need to grasp their power, Shout about the poll results from the elections this week and the favorability of the policies originally included in Biden’s proposal, and do this:
Every time a cut is proposed, say “we won’t vote yes unless X is returned to the bill.” Don’t even talk about what the cut might do.
This is the Squid game tug of war. All the Dems are chained to the same rope (this bill), but just like Manchin and Sinema, the also Progressives have the power to let go (vote no) and let the entire party get pulled to oblivion. Hold that knife to Dem Leadership’s collective throats and play for blood (instead of playing for patty cakes).

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