Who is or wants to be on the Social Media team?

Hi fellow Hopers (or whatever we’re going to call ourselves, lol)!

I was wondering who else was thinking they would be helping out with social media.

Kara mentioned in her email the other day that the Social Media Team could start creating a plan for promoting www.trumpczar.com, so it would be good to start thinking about this.

Create a plan for promoting the site. Perhaps the Social Media Team could work on this in the next few days? If you are not a social media person, could you text or email the site to friends to spread the word? Maybe this is part of the plan?

My thought would be since there are still a few details being worked out for the site, imo we might focus on planning what/how to promote, but be ready asap to start spreading the word. Or we can also try to find other people who may be good with social media if you know any so they can help with the planning.

We could brainstorm ideas in this thread maybe, unless someone has a better idea.

What do you think?


That came out great in my opinion. I guess it is time to promote it!

YES! Thoughts on promotion???

The best bang for the bucket is a well executed AD sense campaign. You could target very narrowly is someone were to work the data. This could create a high delta change in perception versus money spent.

Money would have to be pooled or raised possibly.

Let me know what kind of promotions you guys decide on and I will try to adapt them for the TYT Discord’s #Announcements Channel to get them out there a little more


I’d be happy to help with graphics. I practically live in Canva.


Hello @mggbwmn8. Have you been in the town halls?


Sounds like we have several people interested, which is great! @Galphar thanks for being willing to amplify promotions once we get them.

One thought I had was using a tool to try to pick out the best days and times to post, and being able to post to more than one social media platform at the same time. I sometimes use a site called Fedica https://fedica.com. They have a free tier but I bought their cheapest subscription and have been using it recently for my own accounts. There are other ones that do the same thing.

Here’s a screenshot of the main dashboard. For the free tier I think you get 1 social media account and only some of the analytics. I have four on mine.

We used to do something similar manually with TYT Army with a Google Sheet to track how many likes and replies posts got, but this has more options and it does it for you.

Just something to consider. We also need to decide what we’re going to post, and figure out how to decide what to post. :slight_smile: (posting on the discussion board, Discord, etc.)

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I’ve heard of AD sense, but am not really familiar with it. Is it something you have experience with?

That’s great, we definitely would need someone to do graphics. I know more or less how to use Canva but am not great with making the best layouts, etc.

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I know enough to know you need a dedicated expert to this because it will be at the heart of many other things. We will also likely be using CI for this soon I suspect.

The primordia of this should be people just meeting and brainstorming (compiling trend data) then testing traction.

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Yes indeed. I’m a note taker.


Once I’m able, I’ll definitely help out.

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I will say I have friends with technology that could adapt to whatever platform we are on and tokenize the conversations. I can’t get into exactly how it works however if there was interest enough we could make the following happen.

We could take any amount of input points think zoom, discord, slack, the forums. Then we could have reports produced and distributed to those same end points plus more.

This is off topic but you could do much more. I know most hosts don’t enjoy the time sink of social media. Those jobs could be streamlined by for instance training on that days stream and suggest tweeted versions content covered.

A problem I believe others may be having is my idea requires a fair bit of coordination to even understand if 1) that is what others want, 2) it is feasible to do given all the logistical constraints.

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Great! I appreciate those of you who do. I’ve found that taking notes at the same time that I am learning is very difficult for me.

There is a link for the Team Hope Team Hope - Operation Hope - TYT Discussion Boards

It sounds like we’re pretty much ready to start promoting trumpczar.com. Even if it’s eventually housed under tyt.com I would guess this URL will still work, but it’d be good to confirm this.

Here are just some thoughts I had on what we could do if volunteers are the ones doing the promos on our own accounts, which is sounds like will be the case for now and probably will continue to be even if/when there’s official account(s) putting posts out.

A rough idea to get things rolling (It definitely would be great to have other people’s ideas, too!)

  • Decide which platforms we want to emphasize, who on the social media team can/will post on them

  • Come up together with one topic per week — related to Trump Czar site for now (such as the poll), eventually other projects related to Team Hope, news items, etc.

  • Announce on discussion boards and/or at town hall what the weekly topic will be

  • Give people model / image / etc to use, including #TeamHope hashtags (and others where appropriate)

  • Suggest a day / time to ask people post

  • Like/retweet/etc other posts using #TeamHope

Everyone could be welcome to post, not just social media team, but it’d be good to make sure everyone volunteering for social media would post each week if possible.

What do you think?

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