About the Operation Hope category

Some people (including me and @soulbornsin) have flown the idea of an app (that can be done by even one person – imagine if the two of us or any other can chip in working on this one) that will keep them shamed all the time if we get to make the tool part of the zeitgeist. It does this plus other goals that include: having a better informed public, and a more direct way for the public to perform as a watchdog for the ones in power.

Republicans were right for the wrong reason: America should be run as a business, but only in the sense that WeThePeople is the Boss and they are supposed to work for the public rather than giving everything to their donors. If this can get to people’s hands in a way that is easy to consume and make easy for the public to agree on giving the vote to those that do NOT work in favor of the public.

I will be linking those replies in a few.

I am keeping the quote short, as I don’t want this thread to be that long. But if you click on the little arrow on the right-upper corner, it will expand the context. By clicking on the title, it will lead you to the original post.