The New Candidates

So now your assertion is that donors are betting on this hence that person is the best choice? Like I said, You don’t have a useful point to make

With your push for Shapiro (or establishment’s I should say) it seems like AIPAC was involved with Biden’s ouster. Would make sense since this madness started right after he allowed the ceasefire resolution to pass in UN

And no, you don’t get swing states with Shapiro, We already discussed that and you still have to explain your mysterious math by which they do

There is nothing eerily complex or conspiratorial with my support for Harris/Shapiro…it’s just about electoral math. My explanation is the same now as it was on July 5th (post #55 in this thread).

Pennsylvania is a 19-electoral count swing state that Shapiro won in 2022 with 56% of the vote (61% turnout). With those statewide election results I don’t care (too much) if the candidate is white, black, hispanic, asian, male, female, muslim, jewish, christian, 64 or 46…if that candidate creates a balanced ticket then that candidate is an asset in PA.

Well, you can respect his paranoia; I was getting Comments redactedshadow-banned on youtube that linked to polls and editorials -that had to be a tacit agreement between the Biden/Harris media campaign and youtube/Google. So it’s no surprise if he wonders if you’re a political mercenary (not that I’m saying you are…)

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And I repeat. PA means jack all if we lose other states. And like I said, you are yet to explain this magical “electoral math” you keep talking about. I gave my reasoning quite clearly on why I think Mi is more important. You are yet to explain anything. As always

Just because your predictions are correct doesn’t mean the choices were justified. That just means you have some mysterious way of knowing what the establishment has planned to do. You cant convince me that is the correct choice unless you explain why. Ill continue waiting for this magical “electoral math” should you ever figure it out.

So, we’re comparing the electoral-count importance of PA to the electoral-count importance of MI. (really???)

  1. PA(19) > MI(15). Most readers are going to stop at this point because it’s that damn simple.

  2. If Dems lose PA then they need to win WI, MI, NV and either NC/GA. That’s a tough draw.

  3. If Dems lose MI then they need to win WI, PA and either: a) NC by itself, b) GA by itself, c) NV and AZ.

(There are clearly more scenarios that can be run, but 19 ECs will always be greater than 15 ECs)

PA-to-MI comparison only, winning PA simply keeps more electoral paths to victory open than winning MI.

These two, Tlaib for Pres, mostly to allay concerns that a Woman of Color is being superceded

There’s a lot of merit to a Harris/Shapiro ticket. I’d prefer Shapiro to all but a couple governors, perhaps only Wisconsin’s Tony Evers

(reminder of who Evers is: Wisconsin's governor wields his special power to boost school funding for 400 years : NPR)

Double-down, and we will be having an electoral loss. I could believe she can get the popular vote.

I can’t imagine ANY Never-Trumpers voting for her, and many online interviews with them this morning are indicating that. In the Swing States you have a significant Never-Trumper segment…

Beshear is out…

There are no new candidates. The convention is going to be a theater of lies. We will be told that Kamala Harris participated fairly in democracy and won. The Blue Cult will accept this as truth and parade her through the streets of the internet as their “yas queen” or the new Rosie the Riveter or whatever dumb sh*t the AI meme generators come up with. Independents are going to continuously cycle through two emotions (Samuel L Jackson Black Snake Moan and Ben Affleck Smoking) until we either tune out or vote for Cathulhu just to get it over with.

I apologize for trying to rally support to Andy Beshear. He publicly bent the knee to the establishment this morning. I know I’ve been mostly Independent for years now, but I had been holding onto a little bit of hope in the Democrats. Watching Progressives bend to fit themselves into the places that the establishment has set for them these past years and months and days has dimmed and extinguished the few candles I had left burning for the party. Andy Beshear capped that last candle this morning when he endorsed Kamala Harris. I’m sure he was offered a nice cabinet position if he’s not selected for VP.

There’s nothing left for us to hope for in the Democrat party. The 2 party system is entirely good cop/bad cop theater now. This election season is about to reach peak good cop/bad cop with The Prosecutor vs The Felon. The “good cop party” is going to smile at us with its pretty little lies while the “bad cop party” tries to bully us into submission, while occasionally switching roles, spinning our minds and emotions until we surrender to one or the other. I choose to find an open window and escape (not investing hope in politics, victory gardening, enjoying loved ones, watching the news like that Michael Jackson popcorn-eating meme). I want to be concerned about what fresh Hell our nation is stepping into, but I don’t want to waste my time staring into the void. Whatever the case, I’m sure the rich and powerful are going to have a great time.

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Anna and Cenk.

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I’ll wait for the fat lady to sing by Friday; but if it’s fairly evident to be a fix, we’ll be staying home on Election Day. How little The Owners of the DNC learned from 2016…


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I have no idea what I’m going to do on election day. I’m not holding my breath for anyone viable to step up though.

lol, I knew this math would be made up and nonsense. I literally posted win combinations above. You cant just make up whichever ones you like.

Why is MI, Wi, NV and NC/GA a tough draw? The only combination which allows them to win when they lose Mi is WI + PA + NV +Az which is way tougher than then winning Mi which “trends bluer” as you said.

And let me repeat this very clearly, your combo does not show them winning any of these states, not even PA. They don’t even make a dent. Infact they do worse in others. So what even is the point.

have you seen the leads of Trump in all those states? Or maybe there is some other magical polling that you are going to whip up now to justify this? I am not joking, maybe your calculations are based on Harris polling we haven’t see yet instead of the polling data currently publicly available.

I am not so sure. I think they are doing to kamala what they did to Biden.They will let her run around for a couple of weeks and let her implode and then pick whoever they really want.

Well, I’m down as long as it’s someone electorally strong and has some semblance of respect for a rule of law. Manchin, for example, would be right out. Corrupt as a three dollar bill…

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Yeah but they are going to move right and more corporate. That is the problem.

and the thing is before all this nonsense, no one was paying attention. people would have siucked it up and voted for Biden. The fact that they started pushing the dominoes now means people are invested. They have raised hopes which will 100% be dashed when they announce some sleazebag corporate hack. That is going to be worse than people voting like zombies. Similar to what happened in 2016.

You might be extremely right, but let’s wait to see what happens (end of the week would be my guess…) Smarter minds in the Dem Party do NOT want to see a rinse+repeat of 2016…