The New Candidates

Interesting, each swing state favors their home state vp candidate, while WI doesn’t have a horse in this race and in this Emerson poll it was split between Bernie and Pete but no one getting a clear favorite.

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The VP announcement is on its way…with a rally in PHILADELPHIA!!

This could be a head fake, but many would consider it unnecessary/cruel to have the 1st dual event in Philadelphia if it wasn’t Shapiro.

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ugh my stomach hurts thinking about it

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Sit back and smoke one (no input now without an Open Convention…)

I just read up on the Karpman Drama Triangle and the Winner’s Triangle. Fascinating!

That would be cruel. :grimacing:

LOl, I remember Hillary saying she is a self described “progressive” on the debate stage. So IDK maybe wshington’s definition of it is different? LOL.

I am wondering is this based on rhetoric or bills he supported?
And I understand, but we have to select VP based on who helps us win the most votes in key states based on electoral math (not judicial math)

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Is it actually looking more like Walz? Bernie and Pelosi supporting Walz.

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CNN just announced it is Walz



It’s Waltz!!! I am seriously celebrating!!! I hope this is a sign of the direction she plans to move the party.


I think Shapiro would not have liked being in the hotseat of that position; his Jewish identity would have been constantly questioned no matter what decision would have been made by the administration.

If Harris prevails on Election Day, it will be on her to break with the way Israel has in recent years been handled to date…

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I am so glad she (or whoever) picked Walz. Shapiro was going to be a disaster.


Commented on the protesters here (link)


In case you missed it…

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