The New Candidates

Uygur/Romney Unity Ticket

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Does anyone else think that it could be a good idea to pick a democratic Governor that runs a republican state? This would put Fox in the position of attacking a republican voter to go after their governor.

Also, I think an unknown person might be safer than people realize. The right wing has to create an entire new narrative. But they kind have exhausted it on Biden, Hunter and Kamala. It will take time to filter their lies into society if the person is unknown. And if the person is a republican state governor that would also potentially hurt Fox because the republican voters like that person.

The other way to go would be pure popular like Jon Stewart of Michelle Obama. But that probably isn’t an option.

People are not voting for Biden. We are just voting against the other guy.

Also, most Americans from what I read and the polls are showing we just want an offramp from both the Biden drama from Fox and the Trump drama he creates. And they are just voting against Trump and on abortion.


My concern with Newsom is it will be all about attacking California. And Fox has a ton of footage to use on that with a narrative. And middle of the country voters hates California. Do not underestimate that hatred. It’s visceral and highly programmed into them and been that way for a long time now.

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John Iadarola would actually probably be one of the best Presidents in human history because he is a moral good person and would lead with that. He would also likely make hard choices with a logical choice when he had to choose the unthinkable. He is also very quick and cogent.

I love Ana but she is intense. John is extremely rational and grounded when things hit the pavement so to speak and that is hard to find.


I have a feeling there would be hotdogs! :joy:

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What position would Cenk hold? :joy:

considering the fact that dems are already struggling to hold on to senates and house seats, I think it is a disastrous idea to move governors, Sometimes they are the only checks, especially in red states. I think it is time dems shifted their focus to down ballot races

Just to push back some, we mostly see Ana in a context of reporting news. The news too often actually is very upsetting. Our perspective of her is mostly contained to such context, which limits our understanding of her broader personality outside of upsetting contexts.

I agree Ana presents as intense in many reports, but, I don’t think that is necessarily an important negative aspect, especially since being intense is warranted given the issues, and also because emotionality itself ought not be considered subordinate to rationality, as is often culturally evaluated. Emotion informs and defines what is even rational.

We see Ana report issues which warrant intense emotion, all the time. I just want to caution against a perspective which might see her emotion as irrational, and caution against a perspective which might not fully appreciate how we are contained to mostly seeing Ana within upsetting contexts.

That said, would voters appreciate all this generally?; I doubt it. Though, if Ana were within a context of potentially earning presidential power, I suspect she would self regulate and respond to issues in a manner different than how she responds to such issues within her current contexts.


Dude the thing people underestimate about Biden is that Trump cant be too mean to him. Else it looks like he is bullying him. Trump actually held back a lot in debate. If they put newsom in charge, he is going to have a field day mocking and insulting him. NGl, even I will take pleasure in that and so will a lot of people. And you are right, they have a ton of footage on California. Plus who knows what skeletons he has in his closet. And as is he isn’t polling better than Biden against Trump anyway.

Dems are operating on the false assumption that the bad performance is due to Biden’s age. or maybe they want it to be about his age. But It isn’t. The exodus started way before Biden’s age was on a lop in the media cycle. Unless they actually put some progressive with sensible policies on the ticket, they are going to lose. Something they cant seem to get through their skulls. This is WHY we were screaming to do a proper primary.

I still think they can do an open primary where anyone puts their name in, hold 3 debates in 3 weeks and then hold snap elections where VOTERS pick the candidate. If they anoint some corporate stooge just like Tories did with Sunak after ousting Johnson, they are going to lose just like Tories did.

I would favor an AOC/Turner ticket. (If it would be allowed for AOC to run even though she doesn’t turn 35 yrs of age until Oct. 13th.) Former Senator Turner on the Presidential ticket would be awesome. AOC would be too but she might have to wait until 2028. (If we have elections in 2028.) Of course, I live in reality, two women on the presidential ticket won’t happen anytime soon. So, whoever is on the presidential ticket, I hope they will have a Pro-Palestinian platform and will stop all financial support and weapons to Israel.

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George Clooney. Don’t laugh - he would bolt in.

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I have someone in mind. Matter of fact I just saw a video of her. I was coming here to rip everyone that has ever said anything shitty and unnecessary about the south. I was trying to think where can I post this? Start a new thread? Find a post to reply to? And look what I found… a bunch of people, probably 90% like me, worried about where we are headed. What are we going to do about it? Well I’m not here to offer any solutions, I’m here to name call, I’m here to vent the absolute anguish I feel that California isn’t the bedrock of intelligent citizens. I’m here to proclaim with all the limited intelligence I have to muster, you fucking stupid ass Californians fired Katie Porter!!! Ignorant pieces of citizen garbage!!!

It doesn’t feel good, does it? …when you get associated with the garbage you’re surrounded by… I’m in Louisiana, I’m still astounded we had a democratic governor for 2 terms, and look what happened as soon as the Republican won… :frowning:

I apologized for the vent. I apologize to the Californians that don’t belittle the south as a whole. I blame my rage on Cenk. :wink: jj

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<sarcasm>Woot! Jamie Dimon for President!!</sarcasm>

[And for those who don’t get the joke: Bill Ackman calls on JPMorgan CEO Dimon to run for US president]


Damn, ain’t that the fucking truth. (Love Katie Porter!) While I am grateful for the many wonderful things in my life, I was just crying this afternoon wondering how I am going to afford all the “extras” coming up like school supplies and clothes for my kids when we barely (and often don’t) have enough for decent food and gas money.


Hmmm, a few pros of Harris is to 1) FINISH this fantasy of diminished black vote vs Trump (in terms of % AND increased turnout), 2) Remove the Biden-is-too-old narrative for independents.

Still think she should be paired with Shapiro to secure PA, and do some light joint-campaigning with Biden to build credibility (union halls and infrastructure locations)


I wasn’t aware of so much hatred in the country of Newsom. Good to know. Thanks. So he might NOT have enough support to beat trump.

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California has a real bad homeless problem that is not his fault (Great Closing, market manipulation of rentals and homes…); but we have no time whatsoever to convince prospective voters that it’s not his fault!


Can’t tell you how much I admire your strength. In the short time I’ve been acquainted with you, you’ve gone through a lot. But you never seem to lose hope, and you continue to treat people with kindness, compassion and dignity.

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Really sorry to hear that. We only have one kid (a daughter) so that makes things easier at back-to-school time. Do you at least have a tax-free day or weekend in your state? We do in TN, and a lot of local stores also have sales that weekend, so we buy a lot of stuff then. But I know they don’t in Illinois (where we used to live) or a lot of states, that used be super hard on my parents and we would often get the “generic” (I guess people say store brand now) version of what was on the supply list.

Parents and teachers end up paying so much out of pocket for school supplies, schools should definitely be better funded so everyone has the basics they need.


The only ticket they could win beat Trump this late in the game would be Kamala Harris/Liz Cheney.

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