The New Candidates

What about Gore/Whitmore


Thank you for saying that, it really means a lot! :heart:

I’ve never heard of that and will look into it–thank you! :heart:

Good info and analysis. One question though: You referred to the issue of diminishing black vote as a fantasy. How so? I haven’t read nearly as many polls as you have, but Black voters’ support for Democrats has waned over recent years. And after all of their broken promises from the 2020 election to continue. Also, I don’t know that the presence of Kamala (or lack thereof) necessarily moves that needle much. Putting someone that looks like us in a position no longer guarantees our support, especially if that person has the reputation of not delivering for us. I’m not saying many Black voters are going toward Trump, I just don’t see Harris as a magnet for our votes.


I’d love to be a fly on the wall at their cabinet meetings!

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Harris/Shapiro is a ticket that can change the trajectory…

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Do you know how this might have changed since Saturday night? I’m having trouble finding any information.

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I do not know.


That would be my ideal ticket

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Or Gore/Moore; they could say they will Gore the Repub nuts some MORE…

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LOL, I like that! Not my favorite ticket, but what slogan possibilities! :joy:

Four More for Gore and Moore! lol. maybe best not to make the slogan a tongue twister.

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Thank you. I’ll rephrase. There is a consistent narrative, supported by polling crosstabs, that the margin in which Biden is beating Trump in the black community has decreased since 2020. Granted, the margin-of-error for that demographic subset is too large to yield conclusions…but the narrative still exists.

I think Harris/Shapiro drives up turnout in the black community and increases the % margin in the black community to the 2020-levels (or even the 2008 levels).


Hmm…now who might those young conservatives be inclined to vote for if they feel their Party is yanking their chain??


I understand, and I agree that the margin has decreased. That decline, in my opinion, is the result of Black voters being taken for granted by the party. Candidates promise to address the needs of the Black community during campaigns, then abandon those promises once elected. I don’t see how Kamala’s presence on the ticket would reverse that trend. We had Barack Obama as president, yet the same thing happened. Then we had Harris as VP. Same thing. Pushing her up to the top candidate position does nothing to address that, in my opinion.

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We have experts/ the folks who have lived through mental deterioration with a Loved One. They have seen it, what it does and how it fluctuates and how it ends. As the decline ran its course, they’ve been on the visitor floor of the Memory Care Home. What most of these folks seem to be saying is that Biden is pretty advanced.
Obviously, the decline affects the ability to make sound judgment. It is obvious. Yet at the same time, Democratic Leadership is waiting for his decision to drop out. It’s an illusion, given the nature of his condition.
Perhaps the negotiations behind the scenes are more or less just with Hunter, Jill and Ron Kline.

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I have an invitation to see Harris speak tomorrow. Where are my NC dragons?


No comment from me, until we get the assurance of an Open [Pre] Convention. First things first…

Some voters place expectations on federal officials that should be placed on local/state officials.

  1. POTUS won’t directly address potholes on your street, but he can pass the largest infrastructure law in decades (affecting everyone, including black citizens)

  2. POTUS won’t directly put money in your pocket (except for covid), but he can execute policies to cancel crushing student loan debt for millions (including black citizens).

  3. POTUS won’t directly get you a job interview, but he can install people who develop policies that strengthens the entire economy and creates millions of jobs (affecting black citizens too).

  4. POTUS can’t lower your monthly rent, but he can identify “hedge funds” landlords as the problem for rising prices and call for federal limitations on their annual % rent increases.

Kamala removes the Biden-liability from the ticket. While Republicans personally attack her, she will be nimble enough to pivot back to the messages that the citizens care about.

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