The New Candidates

I wasn’t referring to expectations placed upon Biden by voters. I am talking about things HE specifically promised, then didn’t implement, even undermining them in some cases. He promised to codify Roe v Wade, increase the federal minimum hourly wage to $15, pass the George Floyd Police Reform Act, The John Lewis Voting Rights Act, raise corporate tax to 28%, abolish for-profit prisons, etc. Once elected, he did what Democrats have been doing for decades. He took us for granted. I don’t see how putting his VP on the new ticket does anything to reverse that.

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Now that it’s 99.99% sure that Biden’s going to be replaced, someone needs to send the DNC a link to this thread to help them decide what to do or not do for replacing Biden on the ticket. :smiley:

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Breaking news…

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I like Mark Kelly as VP or even candidate, optics and strategy wise. He was trending today on X after the poll came out…

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THREE candidates, you say; <sarcasm>that’s awfully big of them.</sarcasm>

You could EASILY have five slates…

I hear “promises” from a candidate for POTUS differently than you do. POTUS can only implement executive orders, or guide the departments strictly under the executive branch, or lead on foreign policy by himself. Any “promises” needing a law requires cooperation from the legislative branch. So these types of “promises” are things POTUS will fight for in the budget negotiations, or will try to persuade Congress to pass through bills. This government is extremely divided, so don’t expect too many bi-partisan accomplishments from any POTUS. Obama got the ACA, Trump got his TaxCuts law (mostly for corporations), Biden got his Infrastructure law…those are the signature long-lasting accomplishments.

She would enter the open convention as a ticket, not just a nominee for POTUS. Hope it’s Harris/Shapiro entering the convention…because that ticket would probably run unopposed.

With vance as Repub VP, I think the rust belt is gone. Honestly when they nominated him 2 days ago I was happy, Because I thought that Tim Scott, Donalds or Rubio would have done more damage, Or Noem. But since then I did some research and man, he is going to hit the working class thing hard. Plus while he is white, his wife is brown and he can still play the identity card without actually playing the identity card. This is going to be bad. I don’t think Kamala can fix it. Anyone who can wouldn’t commit political suicide by running in this election. Sigh… This is why we should have had a primary

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Counter JD Vance with governor Shapiro, plus Shapiro appeals to the rust belt suburbs better than Vance. The rural areas of MI/WI/PA were already voting for Trump and their voter turnout maxed out in 2020 in these states. Vance is not persuading suburban voters and he is not driving up rural turnout. In contrast, Vance will hurt the Trump ticket with younger non-rural voters and younger people of color because he’ll be tied to Project-2025. At least Harris/Shapiro resets the fight in PA for Dems.


I am not sure I can trust any of the analysis you provided since vance was literally just nominated 2 days ago and his impact on the election is yet to be polled across large scale of likely voters. IF I look at the current polls, all I am seeing a bump in the rust belt since 16th. Though that maybe temporary.

Can you provide the link for your mysterious data? You always have ways to misrepresent things, And most of your “analysis” is just you talking out of your ass. There is nothing to actually support any of that. And again, You are putting too much weight on anyone caring about project 2025. That is only a thing in Blue MAGA these days. No one else gives a shit.

Plus isn’t Shapiro Jewish? With the current mood on the left, forget about it. Kelly might be a better option.

Really…because he’s Jewish…are you really claiming there is wide-spread “left hate” towards Jewish people/politicians?

You can look up the polling data yourself, I’m not interested in spending my time sharing ideas with you or sending you a 123page pdf file. The data is the data, each person can interpret it how he chooses.

I am not claiming anything. That is just a fact. People are literally being vitriolic to American Jewish citizens right now. And especially in Mi? Forget it.

According to the polls I can find (reported by Politico), Harris alone does better in PA without Shapiro.

What data? There hasn’t been any actual polling so what are you talking about? Why don’t you want to share the link? Afraid it might catch you in ANOTHER lie? What do you mean “Choose to interpret”? There is no choosing in what the polls show. What utter nonsense? And why can you never provide any actual links? Why must you always provide Cherry picked screenshots that dont actually show anything you claim. If you arent interested in facts, then why do you keep replying to me? Come back when you have facts and arent making assumptions out of your ass

Look it up yourself, you’ve got the polling firm, you’ve got the dates, you’ve got search engines…go to their website, do some research and download the 123page pdf file yourself (toplines, crosstabs, registered voters, likely voters, both states). Do your own research…it’s easy.

Why cant YOU share it? Copy - paste - its EASY. The last poll on that website is from June 24th. So maybe you can stop wasting everyone’s time and actually share the link. Oh right, you don’t actually have it because just like last time you are pulling shit out of your ass and LYING. So either share the link or pound sand.

I just wanted to give you some time to prove to this discussion board that you can’t do basic research using simple search engines. You were given the polling firm, the dates, and the two states, yet you couldn’t put the puzzle together. Just like you couldn’t interpret basic moving-average polling data from RCP last week…yet you rage at the provider of the data.

Thank you for revealing your own intellectual deficiencies.

Now you mentally-impotent child, click on the link and read the 123page pdf file for yourself.

I can see the appeal of a Harris/Shapiro ticket, however, I am not confident that enough voters (on either side) are willing to accept a Black and South Asian woman (with a Jewish husband) as president and a Jewish vice president. Just the idea of one of the candidates having one factor distinguishing them from a rich, White, straight, Christian male seems to be too much for many voters to wrap their bigoted minds around. That said, I would so love to see a Raskin/Turner ticket!


hey numbskull troglodyte

That is the one I literally quoted and the dumb surveyshows EXACTLY that.


Oh let me guess you mistook the 2020 vote extrapolation for actual Polling?AHAHAHAHAHh
Or are you talking about “informed” results? “Informed” just meaning they blast people with propaganda which is technically what this survey is actually about.? AHAHHAHAH seriously? No wonder you never want to post the whole thing. You ALWAYS get CAUGHT LYING.

And is that what this 123page madness is? “Rolling average of polls”?. AHAHAHH Dude you cannot claim that we should include polling from May for something that happened 2 days ago and declare that to be the absolute truth only tp then bring about an obscure poll directed at checking what would be the most effective messaging for dem candidates and declare its results to be absolute truth WHILE you misrepresent results from the very sites you cite. That isn’t how polling works and that isn’t how serious people function.

So yes, you are wrong, just like you were FLAT WRONG about swing state polling from the website YOU mentioned. As I LITERALLY quoted from it back to you before you stopped responding and then complained the data was being analysed “too much”. And hurling insults at others won’t change that.

Let’s keep it civil; stick to subtle sarcasm in the style of Voltaire.

Leave name calling to the MAGAs.An example, where Voltaire critiques Rousseau:

“I have received your new book against the human race, and thank you for it. Never was such a cleverness used in the design of making us all stupid. One longs, in reading your book, to walk on all fours. But as I have lost that habit for more than sixty years, I feel unhappily the impossibility of resuming it."

Oh please, people better not hurl anything towards me they don’t want back in their faces. I am only uncivil to those who are to me. And its always the ones that cannot actually prove a point with facts and data because they never have any

Exactly. Especially in places like Mi right now. Yeah, that’s gonna be a tough sell

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