The New Candidates

Thanks for sharing your WI perspective. To be clear, you believe Kelly sells the best in WI (compared to Walz, Shapiro) because he may sway rural white voters??

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I think Kelly plays just fine in WI. I think Kelly helps reassure people all over the country who freak out over the border. Kelly could reassure avid gun owners while also satisfying those who want sensible gun regulation.

PS side note. During the primary between Bernie and Hillary, Bernie won every county except Milwaukee.


The problem isnt Kelly. Like I pointed out before, the problem here is Kamala. And you keep pointing out this isnā€™t and electoral winner. Neither is Shapiro. Not even by the poll you cited after misinterpreting.

It is the same problem I pointed out when yā€™all were trying to oust Biden. His numbers were bad but no one else was showing better numbers. The same problem you have now. But sure, keep supporting this nonsense and then keep fixating on PA. You are yet to explain to me why we should focus on it when there are plenty of other states we are already losing? You havenā€™t explained your magical math yet. Please at least try to make sense?

Exactly. Like I said, kelly is to Kamala what Biden was to Obama

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Picking Sanders would certainly put an end to all Billionaire Support, but would certainly mobilize the Left Minded members of our Populace in terms of Grass Roots support, though bringing Cornel West aboard would do the same too. Considering his strength related to Constitutional Law (and as it relates to the current corruption on the Supreme court), I would find Jamie Raskin quite appealing. When it comes to understanding this fake JD Vance style Populism (Middletown, Ohio is not part of Appalachia), Tim Waltz seems to be the perfect answer, though Vance is already doing an effective job of destroying himself without any help from anyone else. At the end of the day, my total clean up/grand slam hitter for VP would be Jasmine Crockett from Texas (what an absolute Rock Star she is), though, like having Cornel West aboard, it would certainly turn this election ā€“ unfortunately or maybe not so unfortunately ā€“ into a question of whether YOU, the voter, are a racist or not. I suspect though that the Harris Campaign will be playing it safe and bring the former Astronaut, Mark Kelly, aboard. Yawn, yet not a terrible political choice at the end of the day. I just think that doing so would kill some of the excitement and momentum that is currently brewing around this side of the election. If you want to go White Male and not so boring, Jared Moskowitz would be an absolute hoot; after all, his takedowns of both Jim Jordan and James Comer are classic. Then again, since we are long overdue for a Female President in the form of Kamala Harris, isnā€™t it about time that an openly gay candidate such as Pete Buttigieg is picked for VP? After all, letā€™s make this election, indeed, historic.


Senator Mark Kelly for VP??

  1. I listed some positives of Kelly as VP in post #336, and I stand by that list.

  2. After observing him last 2days I find myself asking: does Kelly even want the VP job, or has he entered into a different phase of his life?

a) He served 25yrs as a fighter pilot and astronaut.
b) Then he became active about improving gun safety policies in the US for over a decade (spurred by Giffordsā€™ tragedy)
c) He then became AZā€™s senator ā€“ a nice representative role that doesnā€™t include the pressures of a national campaign, or the daily accountabilities of an executive office.
d) At age 60, with a Navy pension, and plenty of earning potential (books, speaking engagements, endorsements, etcā€¦), are we sure he didnā€™t want to ride this low-stress senator position out for 2-3 terms (12-18yrs) and then retire?

  1. This was the WEEKEND of ACTION across the country for the Harris campaign.

a) Beshear was on cable tv, on social media, and campaigning in Iowa for Harris.
b) Walz has given tv interviews, updated all his social media, and had a Harris event in MN countering Trumpā€™s visit.
c) Buttigieg has given plenty of tv interviews and led a fundraiser (or his husband did)
d) Shapiro led multiple events is PA in support of Harris, and posted support videos on his social media.
e) The least visible VP candidate over the last 2days has been Kelly. He just answers questions from reporters while he walks from his office, or walks through a parking lot. Can someone share what heā€™s done to support the Harris campaign in the last 48hrs?

After this weekend of silence and passivity, does Kelly even want to be VP??

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Kelly vs Shapiroā€¦Polymarket betting market site

Early Friday (7/26/204) Kelly was around 37% and Shapiro was around 25%

After watching Shapiro campaign during Harrisā€™ Weekend of Action, and watching Kelly do NOTHING during the same weekend, I understand why the betting markets have flipped

Sunday, 10:30am EST (7/28/2024)

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If Harris is calling for a nationwide WEEKEND OF ACTION, and a VP candidate is noticeably passive/silent during that weekend, then that candidate probably doesnā€™t want the job (i.eā€¦Mark Kelly). His VP betting odds were a lot better pre-weekend than they are Sunday morning.

In contrast, during the WEEKEND of ACTION, Shapiro was leading Harris events in PA and posting pro-Harris videos to his social media account.

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I hope Kelly is quiet. because he is the pick.

I am getting ready to be depressed and extremely conflicted about voting depending on who is picked. I am not excited at all about Shapiro, Cooper, Whitmer, Pete or The Castro twins.

Maybe Walz is ok. Not because how he sounds in recent interviews, but maybe if he is serious about improving our basic needs. I was not familiar with him before.

For those on social media pushing Pete, it depresses me to no end. If the people want a gay guy, for even more diversity ??? I would rather see Congressman Mark Pocan from Madison WI. At least he is on the Progressive Committee. I soured on Pocan when he endorsed Hillary over Bernie but he did endorse Bernie the 2nd time around.

For those that want two women on the ticket to make some statement, then it should be Elizabeth Warren or Katie Porter - who is the next Elizabeth Warren without the baggage. But I think this is a dangerous strategy.

I just cannot stomach another corporate DNC darling talking head that says a lot of nothing and is more interested in ascending to power to serve the rich over doing right by the voters. I worry we may be headed there. What a roller coaster ride this is.

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I love Sanders and West. Unfortunately, I donā€™t see them gaining the necessary independent or centrist votes. I really love Turner and Crockett, and I believe that there is much too much estrogen and melanin on one ticket for our vastly misogynistic and racist voters (especially those who donā€™t realize they are). Kelly is too establishment for me, but I see his appeal. I really like Raskin and Walz (my Governor, so I can vouch that heā€™s the real deal). Out of those two, I pick Raskin. One is his experience, education, and evidence of his advocating for real people and real change. Walz, selfishly, I want to keep him here and hope all the hype around him helps to make that happen.


Cornel West and Nina Turner are never gonna happen. I love Nina Turner but the party shut her out ever since she changed her endorsement from Hillary to Bernie.

I do not get the Raskin appeal. His health issues do not seem well suited to elevate him to the White House. Plus all the tv time he has gotten over Trumpā€™s impeachment hearings that did nothing to get him out of office nor stop him from running again is not a winning ticket.


I will preface this by saying that I have not read the entire thread

Are you guys trying to determine who is the best candidate to beat Trump/Vance or are you debating who you think the best ā€œProgressiveā€ candidate would be? Because they are definitely 2 VERY different things


Agree, those are two very different questions. Clearly, after 373 responses the group is all over the place. The original post is below. I tend to focus on a pragmatic ticket to defeat Trump.

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Iā€™m kinda just throwing out a little bit of everything. In the current situation, I would put up Harris/Raskin, which is who I want to see and who I think could realistically get the most done progressively.

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Well thought out. Thank you for that. Raskin it is then. That certainly works for me.

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I do not think any progressive is going to get named but if Walz is a serious contender and leans progressiveā€¦ great.

I just think of those named by mainstream media Kelly ticks the most boxes and is potentially exciting to midwest, rustbelt middle class white males, veterans. independents, moderate or disenfranchised Republicans who were willing to vote for Biden, and he may not be awful for progressives because he is still prochoice, might be able to get some movement on gun regulation and movement on actually improving the immigration system.

Plus I think Trump would have the hardest time attacking Kelly!

I do not want Pete to be the future of this party. He gets a lot of online mentions and that worries me.

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Something to remember when looking at who would be the best VP pick for Kamala Harris is ā€œWill it benefit them moving up to VP or would they be better to stay where they are currently?ā€

I like Jamie Raskin but I think he would be better staying in the House and continuing to do what he has been doing and be a big thorn in the GOP/MAGAā€™s side.

Same goes for MY governor Andy Beshear. I think heā€™s a good pick but I also think that removing him from the Governorship would hurt Kentucky immensely. The GOP have a Super Duper Majority here and he is really the ONLY thing keeping them in check right now.

For me Iā€™d say it would be between Mark Kelly from Arizona and Gov. Tim Walz from Minnesota. Those 2 seem like they would help bring in more votes but I do not know what kind of downside moving them from their current positions would cause.

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under your argument I thought that might put Gov Cooper at the top since he is getting termed out anyway. But then I read this article where the NC Lt Gov is a Republican and could screw things up whenever Cooper leaves the state even just on the campaign trail.

Kelley has a Dem Gov to replace him until a special election is held in 2006 and then a normal cycle election for next 6 yr term in 2008.

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I had some positive thoughts about Senator Kelly as a VP, but he has provided me with new information over the last 2-3days to temper those insights (see posts #366-369).

In summary, if Harris is calling for a nationwide WEEKEND OF ACTION, and a VP candidate is noticeably passive/silent during that weekend, then that candidate probably doesnā€™t want/deserve the job (i.eā€¦Mark Kelly).

Now Iā€™ll get back to writing my postcards to Dem-leaning voters in PA (it is a Weekend-of-Action).


Cenk Uygur is for me better Candidate for Presidential selection against TRUMP.

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