The New Candidates

Roy Cooper, that’s a name I haven’t heard on this conversation yet that I could get behind,

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But the biggest question here would be that would/could those two work together.

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Jamal Bowman!


Gavin Newsom.

Cenk Uygur !!!


I hate that @bretterlich’s assessment today of Newsom was accurate.

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Tipper? His wife?

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From my recollection, he was milquetoast, Tipper had her labelling music, but Al was okay at best. Post 2000, that’s when he did an inconvenient truth. He can speak in full sentences. He’s great on the environment. He coined the term " Information Superhighway". He’s no Bernie but he’s also not Biden or Trump.


There isn’t a viable candidate that I would get behind personally. I would have to know more about several people mentioned (e.g. Pritzger) to know if I could back them, but there isn’t one so far I would definitely support.

I hate to say it, but I don’t know if I’d support even Bernie who I voted for in 2016 and 2020. Bernie endorsed Biden way too early this time around. If a random guy like me could tell that Biden wasn’t firing on all cylinders, Bernie should have and probably did know this, but still endorsed him. He still hasn’t rescinded his endorsement.

Unlike some, I don’t think it’s because Bernie wants to keep his options open about becoming a candidate. I think he’s protecting his “good friend”, as he calls him. Country should come before friendship when you’re an elected official and he’s no longer the fighter or outsider he once was.

There’s no way the establishment would ever agree to Nina imo, as their full assault on her in her race showed, and there’s not enough time to get a groundswell of support to overcome this. Same with Bowman.

Of the other halfway realistic options that the establishment might let through if forced to, I’m probably closest to Raskin or Khanna, but they toe the party line too much compared to a Tlaib (no way the establishment would give their blessing to a Palestinian) or Omar (who’s ineligible unless SCOTUS strikes down the natural-born requirement).

I’ve never gotten back on the AOC bandwagon after her “mama bear” comment and several important votes.

I’m not saying any of these candidates would be worse than Biden. They’d all be better. Sometimes extremely better. But I guess I’m like Charlamagne tha god, in the sense that who I would back and who I would put up with are very different things. :slight_smile:


I believe TYT should focus on asking members to write Michelle Obama at their website. I’ve also called my reps both state and federal to ask Biden to stand aside and gently request Michelle Obama to run.

Here is what I tactically see the benefit of Michelle is:

  1. She has the best chance based on polling.
  2. She would elevate the entire ticket, take more seats.
  3. She would draw all voters except Maga and haters.
  4. She is popular and doesn’t have to debate Trump nor should she it is a waste of time with a liar. Just meet voters and focus on voting rights, the supreme court issue, abortion. That’s it.
  5. She allows all the democrat governors to remain in red and swing states protecting them from republican abuses. We need them in place to protect our rights.
  6. She would calm donors as they all know her and her husband.
  7. She would calm our allies and the world.
  8. She would repudiate the MAGA movement especially if she KO’s Trump which we absolutely need.
  9. She doesn’t want the job. Maybe someone who doesn’t want the power will actually do a better job to help us.
  10. Can have a primary in 4 years and Trump will be 4 years older.
  11. Main stream media loves her.


  1. One family having too much power for too long. But in this case it is a double edge instead of a complete negative as it will calm our allies and NATO. If NATO fractures the world will become a very dangerous place very fast.

This election is about more than democracy. It’s about literally our entire way of life and staying out of mass conflicts that could expand under Trump and the right wing.

To me she tactically is the best choice as she would win right now. We have to win. She is our best shot.

As for the identity politics I don’t care. It’s irrelevant. But for the mainstream press they will LOVE her. She checks all the boxes of what the corporate fake left wing press loves. The comedians would love her and smack down Trump.

And lastly even though I don’t care about her skin color a woman with her complexation coming to save America from a nut job born to wealth thug would yield great hope to this generation that needs it more than ever. It would be a sort of justice arch that I believe people desire to see right now.

She doesn’t have to be a great president. She just has to defeat Donald Trump with a K.O. punch and send the Heritage Foundation and the Supreme Court a message. We are coming for you.

I believe Michelle Obama can do that. But that requires you folks to write her and her Husband nice letters and call your reps to nudge her into the race.

Some people are called to serve. They don’t want power. I believe we need to request kindly that she serves and helps us save our country, the world from expanding wars and our shared liberties.

Sharons Comments on a black woman and picking Kamala Harris which is unpopular. This would eliminate Harris as being an issue. We need the most popular.


Are you from Minnesota too? :smiling_face:

Here’s my bracket for Biden’s replacement.

My top two is the dream ticket of AOC and Nina Turner. So many good options for strong progressives who could win.

In a year that we are fighting a potential King Trump, I worry the DNC will coronate a corporate Dem without having earned the position from a fair convention contest. Heck, they might throw in Tim Kaine as VP, bc he deserves to be handed it as much as Harris deserves to be handed the top spot.


Who would I pick?

Jon Stewart & Nina Turner!!!

Can you imagine? The presidential and VP debates would be EPIC!

Sorry that was my brain taking a minute to imagine those debates.

That was definitely my #teamjoy moment of the day.

Who will be chosen? I’ll come back to that later.

I’m still lingering in my visions of evisceration.


I am a Minnesotan. Was never in Michele Bachman’s district but not in Ilhan’s either.

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Harris/Shapiro. The Dems can have an open convention if they want to follow a process but Biden has the leverage right now. Another week of bad polls and he’ll have several Dems begging him to step aside. In exchange for leaving he will publicly ENCOURAGE all his delegates to support Harris (or maybe Harris/Shapiro). Why Harris: 1) Consistent message of “We’re in it for you, Trump’s in it for himself”. 2) She has easiest access to campaign cash and swing state campaign offices/staff. Having the Biden/Harris money turned into a super-pac diminishes its usage, and trying to transfer offices/staff to another ticket has “campaing contribution” issues. 3) Her head-to-head numbers against Trump are better than the governors. 4) She’s 59 and Shapiro’s 51 – they now inject enthusiasm and hope into the ticket be peeking the interest of independents, voters under 35, and minority communities – that leads to volunteers! 5) She should get Shapiro on-board before the 1st ballot of the convention. He gives that ticket the best chance of winning PA. 6) Harris/Shapiro offers less logistical turmoil for managing a 3.5month campaign (campaign managers, connections with DNC, locations, spokespeople, connections with state parties and state candidates, etc). Harris/Shapiro-2024


PA Voter here. Raskin is my best hope, but name recognition is a concern, but same with Obama and with this situation there will be tons of free press that will outweigh that. As for Josh Shapiro, love him. His motto is GSD (Get Shit Done). He was also the one that got I-95 collapse fixed in like 2 weeks.

  1. Michelle Obama is not interested in governing, and we can’t force her to do something she doesn’t want to do. We need to accept her multiple answers of “no”, and understand that continuing to say “please” like 8-yr old children won’t make our wishes come true.

  2. Michelle Obama has no governing experience, and no prior leadership experience of a massive organization that would transfer to this level of POTUS responsibility.

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This internal poll shows Pete to be HIGHLY competetive and better then Harris. He also went through a primary and got the intense vetting that entails, an advantage over any Govenor who could be brought in. He also clearly beat Harris in the 2020 primary, finishing with delagates.

I’m confident that in any kind of open process of debate and public campaigning he would gain more public support then Harris and clearly EARN the top ticket spot, and that he would then be paired with Harris as VP. And in any senario where Harris is made the nominee none of thouse govenors will want to be VP, but Pete will be moving UP. If Harris goes on to lose Pete is not tarnished and is ideally positioned to be the nominee 4 years later.

My only concern with your idea is they NEED to get new campaign staff, at least at the top of staff.

Yes, Shapiro got-that-shit-done in record time regarding the highway…that accomplishment was heard all the way here in NC. He’s very early in his first term, but this is a national emergency. Shapiro has a very understandable and strong communicative style. Can we borrow him as VP for a Harris-Shapiro ticket??

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