The New Candidates

I am compelled by Sharon’s take today during the Power Panel on Kamala Harris. Anyone else?


Roy Cooper would be interesting if he pledged to be a 1-term only President. I think Cooper/Harris would win NC because Cooper got 75k more votes than Trump on the NC2020 ballot.

Transferring the Bidden/Harris campaign money and swing state infrastructure to a new ticket will be messy – having to create PACs that can’t use the money as efficiently or as coordinated with the campaign is not good. Also, refunding money and hoping people re-donate it to the new ticket is too risky. Cooper’s name recognition is low, and he doesn’t excite voters under 35.

  1. Be caught trying. We are at an all hands-on deck. We literally have people calling for murdering anyone not conforming to Project 2025.

  2. She has more experience than most from being around her husband. Also, the Presidency is like a big machine you plug people into. It’s really about staffing. The president adds mostly the moral center. She knows all the major players and can plug people in as needed. She also has her husband to fall back on for advice.

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  1. Well, black women vote for Dem candidates at a rate above 90%…why risk de-energizing that loyal block.
  2. The 14M 2024 Dem primary voters inherently knew they were voting for a Biden/Harris TICKET, even if her name was not on the primary ballot.
  3. Kamala did nothing wrong, it was Biden who turned in that catastrophic debate performance that put all attention on his capabilities instead of on Trump. Why should she get thrown off a ticket because Biden screwed up.



Michelle Obama didn’t gain Presidential experience by osmosis because she was around her husband for 8yrs. What you’re really hoping for is a 3rd Barack Obama term. How would you feel about Michelle being President if Barack did NOT return with her to the White House, and if he completely cut off all advice to her…is she still a viable POTUS? Barack did his job well for 8yrs, and should not have to hand-hold his inexperienced/unwilling wife through 4yrs of being POTUS. POTUS is not a ceremonial position. Harris has learned more about being POTUS in 3.5yrs than Michelle did in 8yrs as FLOTUS.
Harris-Shapiro 2024!!

I was thinking exactly the same thing!

Same. Reading Bachman gives me flashbacks. :face_vomiting:

Although Jimmy may be much more coherent than Joe, I’m not sure he could even last another term as President, and that’s even if he were willing to accept the nomination or even consider running for it. The dude will be 100 if he even lasts until the election. I don’t know if I like those odds.

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Whitmer won her state by 10 points in 2022.

  1. She brings a swing state with her.
  2. She is middle of the road that media likes.
  3. She isn’t from a coastal elite region from the coasts.
  4. She has experience with Maga threat knowing it is real.
  5. Abortion rights being a woman may be a plus this election or neutralize the normal misogyny for an even fight.


  1. We lose a democratic governor to protect voters in her state.
  2. Unsure of broader appeal outside her state.

She seems like a solid middle of the road choice. And brings potentially a lot to the table by default. I believe this election because of abortion that women will counter any misogyny from the old ways of having to have a man. It may in fact be a positive against Trump this round with all that is going on.

Maybe someone should do a poll. Would you vote for a woman or a man this election with abortion rights on the line? Which would you prefer, or does it matter?


Do not speak for me. I do not actually desire the family dynasty to have power. I choose her because she would easily win, and we must defeat Trump. If we do not defeat him, it is nearly guaranteed in my opinion, we will have mass violence. The right wing wants it and is planning for it. She is 11 points ahead. She would win easily. And is easily more competent than Trump.


YES!!! She seriously got me thinking!

Why should they treat a female POC differently than they would a white man? Hmmm, I have a guess…

I don’t know what the rules are, but if there are rules that’s how it should play out. Period. The responses in the chat also had me thinking about privilege and micro-aggression. Very disappointing. And I am disappointed in myself for not having thought of all of this before. I also don’t much care for implying that she can’t finish a sentence.

Harris/Raskin perhaps?

(I have to admit that I still like Raskin/Turner.)

Jon Stewart

  1. Outsider Candidate makes Trump corrupt insider.
  2. Seems moral and cares about America.
  3. Big name recognition.
  4. Can fight Trump and mock him easily and is quick to respond.
  5. Give morons their entertainment like Trump does countering him on that.
  6. Those with power will likely not consent and claim inexperience yet of course they have been defending Biden who seems out to lunch.

Why not Harris/Cooper?

Please explain how you plan to effectively draft Michelle Obama into a race that Michelle Obama has explicitly stated, “NO”? Michelle Obama is not being coy, she has consistently not liked politics since she became a reluctant public figure back in 2007. It’s 17yrs later and she still does not want a life in politics. Explain to me how a bunch of adults saying “pleeeeeeeaasssse” is going to change her mind?

We should not be removing governors for a VP pick. We need them in place to protect the voters in those states from republicans assaulting the state legislatures. Some states have only the governor and if you remove them the republicans have way more power to attack us.

Also VP picks should be people we can afford to lose and are not in positions we need on the field within the states. It’s mostly symbolic and for if the president dies or is incapacitated.

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And stop attacking me.

She is polling the highest. That is a fact.


My bad, I thought you were advocating for a Cooper/Harris ticket. I get what you’re saying.

I have seriously thought about Harris/Cooper (given I live in NC).

  1. He’s a 2term governor with no controversies and has NEVER lost a race in NC (going back to 2000).
  2. He got 75k more votes than Trump on the NC 2020 ballot with around 77% voter turnout (150k more than Biden).
  3. At 67 he doesn’t excite the youth, though he is an effective communicator.
  4. Based on NC’s voting history I don’t know if Cooper can deliver NC for Dems as the VP on the ticket, but based on PA’s voting history I think Shapiro can deliver PA for Dems as VP on the ticket.
    5 Stylistically, Harris/Shapiro are a more youthful ticket than Harris/Cooper.
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The negative of removing Beshear is that it leaves the state citizens very vulnerable to republican attacks within the region. We basically lose that state and sacrifice them to republicans running rampant within that state.

At the same time we may win a red state. Hard to know on that. They should be polling right now all the red states and compare him with Trump. If his numbers are high in the region where he would take red states go for it. But remember the citizens there will lose the person protecting them from abuses because of gerrymandering and other nonsense.

Oh, and Cooper is ending his 2nd-term as NC governor…new election is November-2024, so he’s got time to campaign with no impact on who will be the next NC governor.

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