Who is the greatest activist ever? The GOAT!

It is interesting, and actually funny in a sad kind of way, for me to look back on this thread and see how some of this went full circle. I personally have gained a greater appreciation to care for unintended consequences.

Now to actually contribute to this thread topic, I would nominate Christ, an OG social justice warrior far, far, ahead of his time. He served our mission of health care, social equality, freedom, debt abolition, etc. He was ultimately crucified by the empire of his time for his effective organizing in the names of love, truth, justice, and mercy. His continuing movement has oft been coopted over the intervening centuries, and most today are misguided regarding his contributions. Still, his example has yet to be forgotten, and in fact persists despite unparalleled capitalist historical revisionism. And, he has inspired countless heroes, including some particularly influential leaders, such as MLK.

Though, given his teachings, (such as the first shall be last and the last shall be first), I would think Christ (and I) would agree with @enduser 's point regarding thinking of this as a “hall of fame designation amongst peers”.

I come ready to defend my nomination; consider this source.
Cheers, friends :turtle:

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